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Event Details

    How to Give Effective Presentations and Present with Poise

    Date: January 8, 2020, 8:00am – 10:00am
    (GNHRA) Greater Nashua Human Resource Association
    Holiday Inn
    9 Northeastern Blvd.
    Nashua, NH 03062
    Member $20 ($10 late fee) / Non-Member $30
    Event Type:
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    How to Give Effective Presentations and Present with Poise

    HR professionals aren’t known for being great presenters, however, we are in a position where providing clear, effective communication is critical.  From Open Enrollment meetings, introducing new policies and procedures to proposing a change to senior leadership, HR professionals have to be able to stand up in front of employees, their peers and their supervisors and present with confidence and authority. 

    In this program, Del will provide tips for how to overcome anxiety in public speaking that will set you up for success.  He will discuss how to prepare yourself prior to giving the presentation and strategies to use while you are in front of the audience to maximize your audience’s understanding of your topic.  Instead of just wanting to get your presentation over with as quickly as possible, Del wants you to “get good” at presenting so that you can make an impact on your audience and make sure your message is heard.



    8am - Networking/Registration begins
    8:30am Announcements/Legal Update
    9am - 10am: Programs

    Cash and checks accepted

    . Cancellations not made by 11am the Wednesday prior to the meeting will be billed.