December 2020 Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
December 4, 2020 (8:00 a.m. – 9:50 a.m.)
The Board of Directors Meeting was a Zoom Meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Present: Andrea Chatfield, Tim Dabrieo, Jenn Kinville, Jeannie DiBella, Kristine DiFiore, Todd Fernald, Michelle Gray, Jennifer Horton, Jessica Locke, Catharine Mirabile, Jermaine Moore, Peter Richard, Sarah Rossetti, Amy Sabato, Tina Sharby, Dianna Sporcic, Peter Stoehr, David Twitchell, Amy Wright, Linda Tuells and Karen Morton-Clark, guest
Absent: Mara Bradbury and Karin Taylor
Linda Tuells – Secretary
The meeting minutes of the October 9, 2020 meeting were voted on and approved unanimously. Peter Richard motioned to accept and Tina Sharby seconded the motion; all approved.
Jennifer Kinville – Treasurer
Jenn noted that there was a loss for the Granite State Conference for $9,000.
The financials were voted on and approved unanimously. Peter Stoehr motioned to accept and Jess Locke seconded the motion; all approved.
The following Treasurer Report was sent to the board for review prior to the meeting.
Beginning Balance – October 8, 2020
HRSC Checking Account Balance |
$42,480.50 |
Transactions since October 8, 2020
Income |
Expenses |
Crown Trophy – Volunteer of the Year Award |
-$292.98 |
SHRM Foundation – Donation in lieu of speaker fees (M. Cheddie) |
-$500.00 |
Profit / Loss ~ October 8, 2020 – December 3, 2020
Income |
$0.00 |
Expenses |
-$792.98 |
Net Profit/Loss |
-$792.98 |
Ending Balance – December 3, 2020
HRSC Checking Account Balance |
$41,687.52 |
Annual YTD Profit/Loss: |
-$1,352.01 |
Karen Morton-Clark – Recovery Friendly Workplace
Karen was a guest speaker and spoke about the Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative which is led by Governor Sununu.
Some of the topics Karen spoke about were:
- Why Should Employers get Involved?
- Cost of Substance Misuse in NH
- Recovery is Good for Business
- AMA (American Medical Association) Concerns
- How We Support Our RFW’s
- Collaborating with Non-Profit Partners
- Trainings
- Panel Discussions
- Benefits
- Invitations – Share with your local HR Chapters and Individual Businesses
- Contact list
Website –
Diana Sporcic - SHRM
Dianna spoke about the following:
- VLBM - Volunteer leaders were able to attend who might not be able to otherwise due to a virtual meeting.
- Foundation Donation – Due December 31
- Shape Report
- Build Membership – created a 6-month complimentary membership for volunteers. There will be a volunteer orientation developed.
- Diana is piloting 9 chapters for a portal for the VLBM which would include by-laws, etc.
- Save the dates for 2021:
2/4 and 2/5 – Regional Council Business Meeting
3/22 – 3/24 – Workplace Policy Conference (WPC)
6/20 – 6/23 – SHRM National
10/11 – 11/13 - VLBM
Catharine Mirabile – Director
- Volunteer of the year – Andrea Chatfield has been named Volunteer of the Year. Andrea stated she was very humble and thankful and it was a pleasure working with MAHRA and the State Council.
- VLBM – The SHRM Volunteer Structure (network of Chapters, state and regional councils and MAC) was shared. The VLBM will have a Tune-In Tuesdays
- Catharine Mirabile – Has been named the Membership Advisory Council (MAC) for the Northeast which will encompass 11 states and 3 field services directors.
- Advocacy Day – At VLBM, all Advocacy Day attendees advocated for the extension of FFCRA passed 12/31/2020 as well as other work-related bills.
- Twin Summit with Vermont and NH – NH State Council will use GreenTree Event Consultants (GTEC) again to help put together another virtual summit sometime in September, 2021. The programming will be in place by March to market the program in time.
- Pinnacle Award Submission – The HR State Council could not apply for the Twin State Summit as the submission was due before the Summit was held, but looking to apply in 2021!
- Strategic HR Conference – Feedback was shared by Catharine that some of the chapters were upset by some of the speakers that were not aligned with compliance obligations and wondered if they were affiliated with SHRM. Catharine explained that the Strategic HR Conference is a separate/private entity that is not affiliated with SHRM as a Chapter or State Council but serves the HR community with their conferences.
- Director and Director-Elect – Tina Sharby will be our new Director effective January 1, 2021 and Dave Twitchell will be the new Director-Elect. Several board members wanted to thank Catharine for all the work she does behind the scenes and congratulate her on the MAC position. Also, thank her for her leadership that brought us through smooth sailing during the pandemic.
Jeannie DiBella – Membership
- The VLRC Form is due for the fall contest on December 11.
- Set official goals for 2021 for the dual memberships.
Michelle Gray – Social Media/Website
Catharine Mirabile asked anyone that had virtual conferences or meetings coming up to contact Michelle Gray to post on Social Media and the NH State Council website.
Amy Wright – Certification
Amy submitted the reaffirmation for the SHRM Provider.
Amy stated this is her last meeting as Certification Director. The position is vacant currently. She stated that you needed to be a SHRM member and certified to be on the board.
Jessica Locke and Tina Sharby – Diversity
The DWC is planning on a March 9 through 11 virtual conference. The DWC is working with all local chapters to utilize the DWC platform.
Andrea Chatfield – Legislative
- NH Universal guidelines for COVID – The mandatory quarantine period will be shortened from 14 days to 10 days.
- A new proposed lactation bill will be introduced.
- BIA – Looking for a bill for a COVID liability shield for employers who have shown good faith to keep businesses safe during the pandemic. OSHA will be introducing guidelines.
- Andrea wants to put together 1-hour webinars for 3 or 4 months. It would be a different regulation each month from the Department of Labor, Employment Security, Human Rights, etc.
Chapter News
Amy Wright – MONADNOCK
All programs are lined up through June 2021.
Jeannie DiBella - GNHRA
Charla will be speaking about employee conduct in December
They are participating in a reciprocity program.
Peter Richard – MAHRA
MAHRA is having a happy hour event December 10. Upcoming events have already been mapped out.
Todd Fernald – SHRA
It has been business as usual. They are working on a dual initiative (BOGO - your chapter membership is free if you are a SHRM member).
They are also working on a fundraising match where SHRA would match any funds given to SHRM.
Amy Sabato – GMVHRA
The next quarter of meetings has been mapped out. They will be giving a COVID fatigue presentation in March.
Carol Kilmister - HRAGC
December and January – will be having panel discussions.
Andrea Chatfield made the motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Tina Sharby and approved unanimously.
2021 HR State Council of NH Meetings
Date |
Location |
Time |
The 2021 meeting calendar will be sent out by Tina Sharby, our incoming Director of the State Council. |
Submitted by: Linda Tuells – Secretary