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    The Business Impact of FMLA

    Date: May 11, 2016, 1:00pm
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    The Connecticut SHRM State Council invites you to join us on May 11th from 1pm - 2pm EST (10am - 11am PST) for a webinar entitled "The Business Impact of FMLA" by June Brennan, Director of New Business, and Linda Sheridan, Executive Account Manager, at Work & Well.

    This program has been approved for 1 HRCI General Credit and 1 SHRM Professional Development Credit.


    The FMLA is an outstanding act providing employees with job protection for the addition of a child to a family, when dealing with a serious health condition for themselves or a family member and for assisting Military personnel with their personal and financial obligations before and after deployment. FMLA is a highly interpretable, litigious and ever evolving act which creates risk for employers. Unfortunately this leave entitlement is prone to be misused which can be extremely costly to an organization. This presentation will discuss how FMLA can be misused and what HR professionals and your supervisors can do to minimize the abuse, mitigate risk and reduce the financial impact on your company’s bottom line. Our presentation will provide participants with best practice suggestions, to make participants aware of the pitfalls of FMLA and demonstrate real life examples of abuse and how to protect your organization.

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