Event Details
September 2011 Meeting Minutes
Date: | September 27, 2011 |
Event Type: | Meeting |
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Absent: David Wheel, Yola DeDominicis Charla Stevens, Tom Harte, Laurie Glaude, Mara Olisky, Amy Wright
Attendees: Debra Tuttle, Therese Gesel-Towne, Marie Erickson, Joe Wentworth, Dan Griffiths, Silvia McCarron, Catharine Mirabile, Claire Dunleavy
Phone: Susan Post (SHRM), Amy Cann, Anne Vallette, Jim Reidy, John Wilson, John Roller, James Goss, Tim Dabrieo, Jennie Meister
Debra Tuttle welcomed everyone to the meeting.
May meeting minutes were approved. We did not have a meeting in July
Check out the website. Amy has done a great job updating it. Amy suggested we use the membership tab for private information for council members only. This could eliminate the need for Base Camp. After a discussion the council decided we would discontinue Base Camp.
Leadership Conference – Oct 25, 2011 at NE Delta Dental. The conference is geared to chapter board members, committee members and those that are interested in volunteering. Therese also suggested we invite past HR Heroes to the conference.
Succession Planning - Changes
Silvia is the State Council Director Elect
Membership – Claire Dunleavy will step in as Silvia moves to Director Elect
Marie, Treasurer/Secretary is stepping down – Please see Silvia if you are interested or know someone who could fill this role
Joe, SHRM Foundation, will be changing focus to Social Media – Please see Silvia if you are interested or know someone who could fill this role
Bud Berstein and Heather Basset – Strategic HR New England Conference
October 28-30, 2012 – Mount Washington Hotel, New Hampshire
Engage 6 state councils in CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, and VT
Focus will be strategic
What will be asked of us?
Promote it via email blasts and through local chapters
Councils will receive:
complimentary booth space
stage time
website visibility
complimentary registration for use by State Council Director
grant money based on the number of participants from that state
Strategic HR New England will create a $10,000 pool of grant money from the convention proceeds. The $10,000 will be divided among the participating New England State Councils based on each state’s level of conference participation.
SHRM Update
Susan Post
We are currently posting 2012 State Conference information on the SHRM website, so if you know your dates and locations for next year, go ahead and submit the request form.
Registration and housing is now open for the 2011 SHRM Leadership Conference. The URL is included in this update, and the Crystal Gateway Marriott fills up quickly, so I encourage you to reserve your overnight accommodations as soon as possible. The conference Opening General Session is at 3:00 pm on Thursday, 11/17 and the event concludes with our Closing Luncheon, which ends at 2:00 pm on Saturday, 11/19.
State Council Directors/Directors-Elects: Our Individual Regional Council and All-Regions meetings at Leadership have been moved from Saturday, 11/19 to Thursday, 11/17 from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Please schedule your hotel accommodations accordingly.
Pinnacle award application now being accepted
Continuing CLA conference calls and webinars
Budget/Treasurer Report
Updated budget is attached.
CLA Updates
Membership – Silvia introduced our new membership leader – Claire Dunleavy
They have approximately 20 individuals interested from the North County. Silvia and Claire will talk to Susan Post to discuss options of having the North Country as stand alone chapter or a satellite chapter.
HRCI – Amy
Amy has started a blog. She will be posting on Sunday evenings. The blog will have info from the 6 subject areas of the test as well as test tips. HRcert.wordpress.com. The blog has had 351 hits so far. Anyone interested in helping to write should reach out to Amy
Workforce Readiness – no update this meeting.
College Relations – Therese
We will sponsor 2 students from each student chapter to attend the leadership conference in Oct.
Diversity – John
The committee is working on three directives. They are working on a short survey.
Governmental Affairs - Jim
Reminder of the NLRB poster requirement. Poster is now available. Also a reminder to use HR voice
SHRM Foundation – Joe
Reminder – the NH HR State Council wants to accomplish SHRM Foundation Champion status this year. There is no minimum amount and we have until December to make our contribution. We need 100% participation. Joe will reach out to SHRM to see if the reports are accurate off the website.
Social Media – Joe will be focusing on this initiative
Leadership Conference – October 25 at Northeast Delta Dental
Guard & Reservist – Jim thanked the HR community for stepping up to assist with employment workshops. 27 HR volunteers stepped up; however they did not receive the military presents they thought. They may repeat the workshops if needed. There is a Hiring our Heroes Job Fair, Wednesday, Oct 26, 9:30 – 2:30 Steeplegate Mall, Concord. Of the 740 military who have returned from service 243 are unemployed.
Granite State Conference- May 1, 2012. Already confirming sponsors for next year. Silvia will represent the state council on the committee.
Chapter Updates – We did not have any Chapter Updates this meeting
Manchester –
Monadnock -
MAC Update – Dan
Dan gave the council an overview of what the MAC is. There are 5 volunteer members that represent all the states. Dan represents 11 states. They collect information from the members what is working, what isn’t working. They have collected this info from surveys, face to face discussions, phone chats and reaching out to chapter presidents and boards. This info is then shared with all of the SHRM Boards, SHRM, HRCI and the Foundation. Email Dan at dan@goalqpc.com to be heard.
Next meeting will be November 29th, 8:00am at McLane.
Meeting adjourned 9:40am.
Marie A. Erickson