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September 2012 Meeting Minutes

    Board of Directors Meeting

    September 25, 2012 (8:05 am – 9:48 am)

    Present: Silvia McCarron, Therese Gesel-Towne, Anne Vallette, Walter Prior, Tim Dabrieo, Catharine Mirabile, Jennifer Kinville

    Phone: Charla Stevens, John Wilson, Laurie Glaude, Michael Klyop, Jim Reidy, Claire Dunleavy

    Special Guest (phone): Bud Bernstein


    Minutes: The minutes of the July meeting were voted on and approved unanimously. Walter made the motion to accept and Catharine seconded the motion.


    Action Item

    Due Date

    Chapter Presidents

    Send brochures to Charla or Silvia to have at the Strategic HR Conference; the State Council will have exhibit space

    Nov 1st


    If interested in attending the SHRM Leadership Conference, contact Charla

    Nov 1st


    Research estimated cost of registration and travel expenses for an additional attendee at the SHRM Leadership Conference

    Nov 1st


    Research website features – membership area, meeting announcements, mass emails

    Nov 27th


    D&O Insurance – further research

    Nov 27th


    Director – Charla and Director Elect - Silvia

    Strategic HR Conference

    This will be held October 28th-30th. There is a 25% discount for State Council Members and Chapter Board Members. This conference targets senior level HR professionals all over New England. Please support this effort by promoting the event. Additional email blasts will be going out. Charla and Joe will be sending out announcements through social media, too.

    Bud Bernstein joined us for part of the call. Our State Council was the first to endorse it. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Connecticut are endorsing the conference. Current registration is at 202 with a 300 capacity. Their goal is for 225 participants. Participants are from 14 different states. Attendees will have access to everything the Mt Washington Hotel has to offer. There is exhibit space for each state council. Chapter presidents, please send brochures to Silvia or Charla. For further information, email Bud at or visit the website at

    Pamela Green, Chief Membership Officer at SHRM, will be in attendance. An attendee list will go out a week before the event.

    NH State Council Minutes – September 25, 2012 Page 1 of 6 The State Council aids in the advancement of the Human Resources profession in the State of New Hampshire by providing the leadership and structure to NH SHRM members in order to consult together, promote learning, foster communication, facilitate exchange of vital ideas and information and provide the vision to meet the HR challenges of today and the future.NH State Council Minutes – September 25, 2012 Page 2 of 6 The State Council aids in the advancement of the Human Resources profession in the State of New Hampshire by providing the leadership and structure to NH SHRM members in order to consult together, promote learning, foster communication, facilitate exchange of vital ideas and information and provide the vision to meet the HR challenges of today and the future.

    They are granting money to the various State Councils for their participation/endorsement of the conference. The estimate that NH will receive is $2,500.

    Vote: Jenn was awarded a scholarship from Bud Bernstein to attend the conference for $300. It was proposed to sponsor Jenn to attend the conference and cover the $300 cost. After discussion, we talked about the process for future proposals which would involve a discussion of who to send to conferences. This was approved unanimously.

    Directors and Officers Liability Insurance

    At a previous meeting, John Wilson raised the issue and there was a discussion regarding obtaining coverage for the State Council. Phyllis stated that SHRM does not require chapters to have D&O insurances. Some chapters can not afford it and in some states, the State Councils cover it for the chapters. It is important to have a check and balance with regard to financial matters. Charla is going to look into this issue further.

    Leadership Conference

    The Leadership Conference will be held on October 18th at Northeast Delta Dental. The focus will be on best practices for chapters and social media. The various Core Leadership Areas will have time to meet in groups to discuss best practices. Curtis Midkiff from SHRM may present on Social Media via a web feed. Susan Post will be attending and will facilitate the Q&A portion of the presentation. Please continue to promote this within the chapters. The programs have been approved for 5.25 General HRCI credits. The cost to attend is $60. Our costs include speaker expenses, State Council giveaway, food/beverage, and printing. Northeast Delta Dental is allowing us use of the room at no cost. Our sponsors will help cover the costs and we project to make a profit. As of September 25th, there were 16 attendees signed up. Additional email blasts will be sent out to promote this event.

    Vote: There was a motion to approve $100 to purchase a gift to raffle off. The raffle will benefit the SHRM Foundation. This was approved unanimously.

    Past Directors

    Providing financial support for past Directors to attend one or more State Council conferences was previously discussed. Our goal is to keep them engaged and thank them for their service. Mike Klyop had mentioned having ambassador memberships.

    Vote: Approve attendance for Directors at State Council conferences for one year after their position as Director ends. For past State Council Directors (Therese Gesel-Towne, Dan Griffiths, Deb Tuttle, and David Twitchell), they will receive a free attendance at the Leadership Conference in 2012 and the Legislative Conference in 2013. It was approved unanimously.

    Financial Strategy

    At a previous meeting we discussed strategy regarding State Council funds and our initiatives for assisting our board members and the chapters. Our current initiatives are to assist the North Country chapter, continue to sponsor some students to attend State Council conferences, continue to hold events that will be beneficial, and to support State Council members to attend conferences, including travel expenses. There are certain SHRM events the State Council must attend. NH State Council Minutes – September 25, 2012 Page 3 of 6 The State Council aids in the advancement of the Human Resources profession in the State of New Hampshire by providing the leadership and structure to NH SHRM members in order to consult together, promote learning, foster communication, facilitate exchange of vital ideas and information and provide the vision to meet the HR challenges of today and the future.

    Additional initiatives we discussed at this meeting include:

    Succession Planning – support additional State Council members to attend SHRM conferences.

    College Relations – support networking events for college students; fund the meeting attendance.

    It was proposed to support one more person to go to the SHRM Leadership conference. SHRM provides support for the Director to attend. In addition, they pay for registration for the Membership Director to attend. The State Council pays for the Membership Director’s travel expenses. The approximate cost is between $1,200 - $2,000. Charla will do more research before we vote to send an additional person. If anyone is interested in attending, please get in touch with Charla.

    State Council Logo / Business Cards

    Please remember to add the State Council logo to handouts and various documents. We need to continue to promote our State Council! If you want to make free business cards, go to

    SHRM Update - Susan

    Susan was unavailable due to a change in flights. She will be with us at the Leadership Conference on October 18th. The SHRM Update was sent out to everyone. A few dates to keep in mind:

    SHRM Diversity and Inclusion Conference is in Chicago from October 22-24, 2012.

    SHRM Workflex Conference is in Chicago from October 23-24, 2012

    SHRM Leadership Conference will be held in Washington DC from November 15-17, 2012.

    SHRM Annual Conference will be held in Chicago from June 16-19, 2013.

    Past Director – Debra

    No updates to report.

    Treasurer - Jennifer


    Treasurer’s Report for September 25, 2012 Checking Account Balance


    Pay Pal Balance


    CD Balance 10 month - matures 6/7/13


    CD Balance 6 month - matures 3/17/13





    Leadership Conference – October 18, 2012

    Sponsorships – All Sold!


    Registrations – Projected (65 paid registrations)


    Actual Registrations through 9/21 ~ 16 attendees

    Projected Gross Income




    State Council giveaway


    Speaker fees/expenses/gifts


    Projected Expenses





    Granite State HR Conference - 2012 Projected Income – Email blasts


    Projected Income – Attendees (114 at-large attendees @ $15 each)





    North Country Meeting – September 27, 2012 Room Fee






    Chapter Subsidy (First 30 members who join; 30 @ $10 each)


    Raffle - 3 registrations to Leadership Conference





    Transactions since July 22, 2012 Leadership Conference – Deposits made as of September 21st


    2011 Leadership Registrations – 2 attendees from 2011 paid


    Deposit for North Country Event – September 27th



    CD Renewals Term

    Account #



    Maturity Date

    10 months





    6 months





    Membership – Debra and Anne

    Membership Report: We submitted names to Bud Bernstein for the Strategic HR New England Conference of senior HR leaders for special invites - We sent an e-blast to all SHRM at large members which included upcoming events: NH HR State Council Leadership Conference Granite State Human Resource Conference 2013 North Country Meeting - We recommended a $10 contribution to the North Country members that joined either the SHRA or Concord chapter.

    North Country Chapter – Claire

    The HR North Chapter will have a meeting at Attitash on Thursday, September 27th. There is no cost to attend. The State Council will pay for the room fee and food/beverage costs. Anne, Debra, Silvia, Joe, Tim, and Jenn will be attending the meeting. 25 attendees have RSVPed. In addition, the State Council will offer financial support to pay $10 toward new chapter members.

    Website – Amy

    Amy has been updating the website with information regarding the Leadership Conference. If you have any questions or suggestions about the website, please contact Amy.

    Legislative Action – Jim

    Jim is in the early planning stages of the Legislative Conference for 2013. The plan is to have the conference at the end of the legislative session in the spring. The feedback was great after the 2012 conference. There is not a lot going on in the legislature this fall. After the election and inaugurations, there could be a lot of activity.

    College Relations – Therese

    Therese continues to serve on the Franklin Pierce advisory council with Kathy Doucette and Dan Griffiths. They have developed a graduate program with Carol Gravel which has courses approved for Strategic HRCI credits. Therese is working with the College Relations chapter chairs. She works closely with the Workforce Readiness contacts as well. There are similar efforts for the two groups.

    Vote: It was proposed to sponsor two students from each of the student chapters (Franklin Pierce and SNHU) to attend the Leadership Conference. They can register online with Student Chapter listed as their chapter. Additional students may attend the conference for $30. This was approved unanimously.

    SHRM is pushing student chapters and also is working to help getting students engaged. We discussed sponsoring a networking event for students interested in HR. Maria Painchaud at SNHU is looking for guest speakers and panel members to review resumes and provide coaching for soft skills. Please see Therese if you are interested in participating.

    Workforce Readiness – Laurie

    Laurie met with the Workforce Readiness representatives from the local Chapters.

    Many of the local chapters are working on various initiatives, including GMV who is working with Salem High School on resume writing, interview skills, and job searches. Their program is similar to the one that was used at Pinkerton Academy.

    Some members will be participating in the Job Fair detailed by Jim Goss in the ESGR’s update.

    Laurie and the chapter chairs are working on a hiring youths program for next spring. They are in the early stages of planning this event.

    Diversity – John

    John provided an update on the Task Force formed by the Diversity Committee. Their next meeting is October 23rd. There is great energy and enthusiasm on the task force! They are developing the Diversity Hiring Coalition (DHC) after Maine’s DHC. Maine’s HR State Council is affiliated with their DHC. John sees this being very similar in NH. They are planning a January kick off project and would like to have a presence at the GSHRC. John will work with Anne on that.

    SHRM Foundation – Tim

    Tim will be selling raffle tickets at the Leadership Conference which will benefit the SHRM Foundation. The State Council has voted to purchase a gift up to $100 to raffle off.

    Vote: It was proposed to make an additional $500 donation to the SHRM Foundation. This is up from our projected budget of $1,000. This was approved unanimously.

    Social Media/Marketing – Joe

    No updates to report.

    GSHRC – Anne

    The GSHRC will be on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at the Radisson. The theme will be HR Triathlon, People, Process, and Profitability. There are openings on the Programming committee and they are looking for volunteers. Laurie Glaude is Co-President in 2013 with Anne and Laurie will take over as President in 2014.

    They are finalizing the budget for 2012 and the projected income for the State Council is $2,710. This includes $1,000 for email blasts and $15 for each of the at-large attendees (114).

    ESGR Program – James

    Jim was unable to join us. He provided the following update:

    First, a special "Thank You" to SHRA for inviting me to speak at their meeting on September 11th. Several members approached me following the meeting and requested information about the Employer Support program. If any other Chapter is looking for a future speaker, please let me know ............ it's free!

    Next, some relatively good news from our returning Soldiers. The unemployment rate has been reduced from 24% to 11.2% for the 700+-member Brigade that returned a year ago. Still not the number that we would like, but we're headed in the right direction. The ESGR Committee has developed a number of targeted programs to address those who are still seeking employment.

    The Aviation Detachment (MEDEVAC) is preparing to deploy to Afghanistan, and our Military Police will be joining them early in 2013. More on that later.

    In partnership with NH Employment Security, Easter Seals, SBA & Voc Rehab, we will be hosting a "Hire-a-Vet" Job Fair on 11 October 2012 @ the Steeplegate Mall in Concord from 9:00-2:00. Although open to the public, the focus will be on the returning veterans. If any of your companies are interested in participating, please contact Zandy Dezonie @ 228-4117. Registration/attendance is free and open to all employers who have vacancies to fill.

    I look forward to seeing everyone at the Conference on the 18th. I will provide a 5-minute update on the status of our veterans, and I will introduce Ms Terrie Raposo, a licensed clinical social worker who will present a 20-minute overview of "Demystifying PTSD" (and the message that employers are unfairly shying away from hiring because of the potential issues that they think may occur in the workplace even though we KNOW that the law says that's illegal). We will also have a variety of print material. Regards to all and a HUGE THANKS to each of you who has offered to assist our Vets with job search, resume prep, interview skills, and so much more ............ they appreciate the help!

    Local Chapter Updates

    No updates to report.

    Next meeting ~ Tuesday, November 27th

    8:00 – 10:00 am

    McLane Law Offices, Manchester, NH

    Submitted, Jennifer A. Kinville, SPHR, Secretary/Treasurer