September 2010 Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Charla Stevens, Therese Gesel-Towne, Debra Tuttle, Marie Erickson, Catharine Mirabile, James Goss, Dan Griffiths, Laurie Glaude
Absent: Priscilla Brisson, Neil Patel, David Wheel, Tom Harte, Joe Wentworth, Amy Cann, Silvia McCarron, Jennie Meister
Phone: Susan Post (SHRM) , Mara Olisky, John Roller, John Sterns, Anne Vallette, .
Guest: Terry McGuire, Camp Allen
Camp Allen was founded in 1931 and is situated on 60 acres on Sandy Pond, Bedford, NH. Each summer they welcome approximately 600 campers with a wide range of developmental and physical disabilities. Camp Allen is in need of renovations. They have started a capital campaign to raise the funds needed to update their facilities. We watched a short video which demonstrated the joy Camp Allen brings to its campers.
Debra Tuttle welcomed everyone to the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were approved. There is one action item that is still outstanding. The By-Law and Job Description terms are not represented the same. Deb will review and will make recommends by the next meeting.
SHRM Update
Application deadline extended to Sept 30th for the $10k Susan Meisinger Fellowship for Graduate study in HR. They are reviewing the SHRM Pinnacle Award submissions. Registration for the Leadership Conference is open. It is being held November 18-20. This year there will be a special Membership Summit tract for State Council Membership Directors. Please check the Sept update for CLA webcast/conference call schedule. For the first time in 20 years SHRM will increase their annual dues to $180. SHRM “Affiliate of” Logo has recently moved from a trademark symbol TM to a Registered symbol R. Please ensure you are using the correct logo. SHRM also has developed a What's new at SHRM rolling power point presentation that can be used at chapter meetings during networking. Please see the Sept update for the URL.
Budget/Treasurer Report
Budget was distributed at the meeting. Tri-State Conference generated a $1034.31 for each state council. Checks have been sent to both VT and ME. We are well above our budgeted profit and there was discussion regarding making some donations.
ESGR Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve
Jim shared with the group that Concord and Manchester Chapters signed their “Statement of Support” Dan suggested that we challenge each NH chapter in honoring America's Citizen Warriors by signing their own “Statement of Support”. There are many Reservist and Guard members being deployed and returning here in NH. The unemployment rate for reservist is 15%. In an effort to reduce this number, Jim group will be visiting each unemployment office in NH.
CLA Updates
Membership – Deb informed the group there have been 2 at large blast sent recently.
HRCI – no update
Diversity – no update
College Relations– We have 3 colleges that have student chapters. Franklin Pierce, Colby Sawyer, and SNU. Some suggestions are mentoring, speaker bureau, internships, and student chapters. They will also be developing a list of local colleges with programs in Business and HR to reach out to them.
Workforce Readiness – They had a conference call with all workforce readiness leaders. Some great work is being done by the chapters. Working with the Salem unemployment office assisting with resume writing and speaking to the group around HR topics. Working with Women affected by domestic violence, assisting with a cert. Program with the dept of adult education, working with 10 local high schools preparing the next generation and My Turn, which is working with disable and disadvantaged students. All chapters have indicated they are having trouble getting volunteers. They also discussed a central location to post updates, and to identify which chapters are working on which initiatives.
SHRM Foundation – no update
Legislative - They will meet next week to start the planning of the 2nd Legislative conference. It will be held in conjunction with the Granite State Conference as it was last year. There is still not much happening in the legislative at this time.
Chapter Updates
Concord – The joint meeting was very successful. They are working on their Strategic plan, Bi-laws and SHAPE.
Manchester–They will hold an event in Oct for their new student chapter, Franklin Pierce.
Nashua – New board members getting acclimated, rolling out a new website and they will be attending the SHRM Leadership Conference.
Seacoast– They held their membership appreciation event. Renaming their programming committee to Professional Development Committee.
River Valley– Membership is growing, surveying membership to see what gets them to the meetings. Submitted an entry for the Pinnacle Award.
Granite State Conference
They have started the planning for next years conference. Anne thought it would be appropriate for chapter or council HR leadership awards to be given a few minutes during the conference to present their awards in addition to the HR Hero.
MAC Update
Dan attended his first MAC meeting with the SHRM, HRCI and Foundation BOD. They are very receptive to your ideas and thoughts and are very engaging. If you have anything that you would like Dan to bring to their attention, please email Dan.
Dan wanted to remind the group that last year the State Council presented its first leadership award. He would like us to continue the tradition, and suggested we have a committee comprised of, the State Council Director, Director Elect and the Prior winner.
Donations – We voted to make (2) $1,000 donations. Camp Allen will receive $1,000 for their capital campaign and the SHRM Foundation will receive $1,000 dedicated to the memory of Katie Cane. We also discussed the need for a process to distribute contributions in the future. Deb suggested making this part of our strategic planning meeting.
Meeting adjourned 10:00. The next meeting, November 30th will be a strategic planning meeting facilitated by Susan Post. Please note we have changed the time to 3:00pm.
Marie A. Erickson