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November 2011 Meeting Minutes

    NH State Council Meeting Minutes
    November 29, 2011


    Attendees:  Anne Vallette, Debra Tuttle, Jenn Kinville, Tim Dabrieo, Laurie Glaude, Charla Stevens, Therese Gesel-Towne, Marie Erickson, John Wilson, Silvia McCarron, Laurie Glaude


    Phone:   Catharine Mirabile, Joe Wentworth, Jim Reidy 


    Minutes from the September 27, 2011 minutes were accepted.


    Budget/Treasurer Report

    Updated budget is attached. 


    2012 Legislative Conference

    Will be held at the Holiday Inn Concord on April 19th.  Mike Aitken, Director of Legislative Affairs will be the speaker.  Day will include a walk to the State House.


    Granite State Conference

    Tuesday, May 1.  Regina Clark is the keynote speaker.  The committee is very excited about the programs

    Most of the sponsors space is sold out. Webinars will be offered again this year.


    Leadership Conference

    Evaluations and feedback was great.


    Membership – Many interested in the North Country chapter or satellite group.  25 are needed for a chapter and SHRM needs to discuss this with NEHRA before we can move forward.  Silvia and will develop a survey to get info on what the expectations are from the members.

    Workforce Readiness –  13 HR volunteers performed sessions and met with all 700 juniors at Pinkerton Academy.   There are other high schools looking to duplicate.  A

    College Relations –  We hosted students at the Leadership conference.  The Granite State Conference will reach out to the students to volunteer at the conference. 

    Diversity – Mary Beth Turcotte from the ME Diversity Hiring Coalition came to our meeting to introduce us to their organization and the benefits of belonging. 

    Governmental Affairs -  Jim Reidy. Reminder April 19 will be the Legislative Conference.

    SHRM Foundation – We are asking that everyone donate to the foundation.  If you made a donation, please ensure the Council gets credit for your donation.  Any issue, please send Joe an email.


    Leadership Conference – We are discussing the option of having another tri-state leadership conference.  No decisions have been made yet.

    Chapter Updates

    No updates at this meeting


    MAC Update – No update at this meeting


    Next meeting will be January 29, 2012  8:00am at McLane. Meeting adjourned 10:00am. 


    Submitted, Marie A. Erickson, Secretary/Treasurer