November 2010 Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Charla Stevens, Therese Gesel-Towne, Debra Tuttle, Marie Erickson, Catharine Mirabile, James Goss, Amy Cann, Silvia McCarron, Joe Wentworth, Susan Post (SHRM), John Roller
Absent: David Wheel, Tom Harte, Dan Griffiths, Laurie Glaude, Anne Vallette
Phone: Mara Olisky, Jennie Meister.
Debra Tuttle welcomed everyone to the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Volunteer Award
Deb announced the winner of our State Council Volunteer Award. This years award goes to Silvia McCarron for her continued efforts related to Workforce Readiness throughout the State as well as her numerous efforts as the State Council Director of Membership.
Bi-Law Changes
The council approved the changes to the bi-laws. Deb will send the changes to SHRM for approval. Once SHRM approves the council will have to ratify.
Budget/Treasurer Report
Budget was distributed at the meeting. We are well above our budgeted profit and below expenses.
CLA Updates
Membership – Silvia distributed memberships proposed strategic plan for 2011.
HRCI – Amy has researched a “Blackboard”. This would be used for online study groups. The cost is appx $9,500 a year. Others suggested looking into other products from Google and Adobe. Amy will research further for next meeting.
Diversity – Neilhas resigned from the board. We are in need of someone to lead this initiative.
No other CLA areas were discussed as the remainder of the meeting is strategic planning for 2011.
What are the current emerging “hot” HR issues in the State
HR Hot Issues
- Health care Reform
- Continued economic challenges
- anticipated mass exodus of employees when economy rebounds
- Perception of HR
- New/pending regs/laws
- Redefining employee roles
- Technology
- Mechanism to take care of HR folks
Who are potential partners in the state with whom we can collaborate to meet the council's current and future goals?
Potential/Current Partners
- SHRM State Councils
- BIA/Chamber groups
- Governor/Commissions
- Add Dept of Ins
- APA and other associations (ASTD)
- Business for Social Responsibility
- Non-SHRM affiliates groups
- Fringe groups (e.g. Credit Union)
- Young professional groups
Something we have our competition does not and they can't easily get
- Diversity of experience/thought
- Active council (events/resources)
- High level of commitment by active council members
- Partnership w/ESGR
- Student chapters in State
- Successful legislative conference
- Name recognition/traction
Something our competition has, we do not, and we can't easily get
- Limited time
- Social media utilization
- Mission/message not out
- Do we know who our competition is
- Lack of resources for small businesses
- Cooperation between chapters/shared resources
What are the overall issues, based on what our scan tells us, that we should concentrate on?
- Ensure State Council members understand purpose/mission of council
- Increase attendance at State Council meetings
- Invite President Elects to attend
- Better use of social media
- Military re-employment opps.
- Growing chapter and SHRM membership
- Potential for satellite chapter in Northern NH
- “Getting arms around” Health care Reform
- Interactive online platform
- Regional collaboration
- Engage senior HR professionals
What can potentially get in the way of our success?
- Lack of State Council visibility
- Negative perception of State Council due to SHRM's chapter requirements
- Economy not rebounding as hoped
- Sustainability, succession planning
What have we accomplished and should we continue these initiatives or stop. The names are the people who have charged these initiatives.
Accomplishments (continueor stop)
- NH Legislative conference – Charla
- Granite State Conference – Charla
- Education of ESGR statewide/employment of returning vets- Jim
- XTri-State Leadership – Deb – Maybe our own Leadership Conference
- Student Chapters – Therese
- Workforce Readiness Certification– Silvia
- Workforce Readiness Toolkit
- Financial Stability – Marie
Initiatives we are interested in starting and the names of people who have volunteered to charge
- SHRM Foundation Champion – Joe
- Tri-State senior HR forum – Silvia
- include in membership strategy
- Investigate creating a social media position for State Council – Joe
- Website – Amy
- Chapter President Forum - John/Deb
If you are charged with an initiative, please give some thought to budgetary needs. We will discuss further at our next meeting.
Meeting adjourned 5:00pm. Next years meetings: January 25th, March 29th, May 24th, July 19th, Sept 27th, Nov 29th, meetings are held at 8:00am at Mclane.
Marie A. Erickson