January 2011 Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Charla Stevens, Therese Gesel-Towne, Debra Tuttle, Marie Erickson, Joe Wentworth,, Dan Griffiths, Anne Vallette, Amy Wright, John Wilson
Absent: David Wheel, Tom Harte, Laurie Glaude , Mara Olisky, James Goss, John Roller, Catharine Mirabile Jennie Meister
Phone: Susan Post (SHRM), Amy Cann, Silvia McCarron, Mike Klyop, Yola DeDominicis.
The meeting started a little late due to the weather. Susan started the meeting.
SHRM Update
- Susan highlighted the deadlines for the SHAPE, January 31 and the SCAPE, March 31.
- Please see the January Northeast Region update for CLA conference call schedules.
- 2011 Membership goals is 3%. Chapters are also asked to track retention. Stars and Superstar targets remain the same 6-9.9% and 10% respectfully.
- Susan reminded States to inform SHRM of their State Conferences to get them up on the SHRM website
- SHRM logo has recently changed from a trademark symbol to a registered symbol. All “affiliate of” logos should be updated to reflect this change
- Please see the January Northeast Region update for the SHRM Conferences. Chapters should encourage their Legislative Core Leaders to attend the Legislative conference, March 14-16 in DC
- Northeast Regional Student Conference, April 1-2, Monroe Community College
Budget/Treasurer Report
Budget was distributed at the meeting. We are well above our budgeted profit and below expenses for 2010. If you will be charging an initiative this year, please let us know if you would need budget dollars.
Debra Tuttle everyone to the meeting and introduced John Wilson who will be our new Diversity Core Leader. He has already recruited people for his committee and will be reaching out to Chapter Core leaders.
Action Items
- Bi Laws have been sent to SHRM, once they are approved, the Council will ratify them.
- Amy Cann has updated the website
- Initiatives from the strategic planning meeting will be discussed later in the meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Deb reminded everyone of the Mission of the State Council
The State Council aids in the advancement of the Human Resources profession in the State of New Hampshire by providing the leadership and structure to NH SHRM members in order to consult together, promote learning, foster communication, facilitate exchange of vital ideas and information and provide the vision to meet the HR challenges of today and the future.
CLA Updates
Membership – Silvia has mailed letters to all at large members. In December they had a conference call with chapter membership chairs. She is also working on a Tri-State Sr. HR Forum
HRCI – Amy has a free trial of Adobe Connect to test. She is also looking into Base Camp. Both are used as one central location for communication. The thought is to use it as online study group as well as one place for all Council documents. She will send us an invitation to Base Camp for us to check it out. The Seacoast is launching their next study group.
Workforce Readiness – Sylvia discuss the work ready certification. 4 colleges are participating. It is a 6 week course which includes soft skills.
College Relations – We will need a firm answer from SHRM whether or not Colby Sawyer will be accepted as a student chapter. The group is also working to see if we could get some businesses interested in accommodating interns.
Social Media – Joe explained how the council could use social media such as facebook, twitter and Linkin. He will do additional research and work with Debra and present their findings at the next council meeting.
Leadership Conference – October25 at Northeast Delta Dental
Guard & Reservist– Deb would like to discuss how we can help with Soldiers returning. Therese suggested maybe partnering with Easter Seals. Anne, Deb and Jim will work together to discuss.
GraniteStateConference- May 3, 2011. 2 ½ Strategic Credits and several General Credits have been approved. Registration will start early in February. They will be video taping the speakers to allow for attendees to view break out sessions that they couldn’t see on that day.
Legislative Conference – May 2, 2011. Discounted price if you attend both the Granite State Conference and the Legislative Conference. Charla’s said the team is in good shape and sponsors are being finalized.
Chapter Updates
Seacoast – They had a mini golf tournament to benefit SHRM Foundation. They are finishing the SHAPE
Manchester– Performing annual survey for programming
Diversity Initiative
Small Business Initiatives – first meeting today
Redesigned the website
Monadnock - Hosting a mini conference
Networking in the evening
3 main initiatives – diversity, college relations and government affairs
MAC Update – Dan gave the council an overview of what the MAC is. There are 5 volunteer members that represent all the states. Dan represents 11 states. They collect information from the members what is working, what isn’t working. They have collected this info from surveys, face to face discussions, phone chats and reaching out to chapter presidents and boards. This info is then shared with all the of the SHRM Boards, SHRM, HRCI and the Foundation
Next meeting will be March 29th at8:00am at McLane.
Meeting adjourned 10:05am.
Marie A. Erickson