May 2011 Minutes
Meeting Minutes
May 24, 2011
Present – Deb Tuttle, Joe Wentworth, Jim Goss, Charla Stevens, John Wilson, Sylvia McCarron, Therese Gesel Towne, Dan Griffiths, John Roller , Anne Vallette. On phone – Catharine Mirabile, Mara Olisky, Laurie Glaude, Jim Reidy and Jennie Meister
- 1. Jim Goss – Employment Initiative for Troops returning home. NH looking at 15-20% employment need for returning to NH per the Union Leader on 5/22/11. Dan mentioned that HR professionals are not aware of the sensitivity of the "need" to hire vets. Jim is willing to speak at HR Organizations – he will contact chapters to raise awareness. Sylvia suggested working with the Workforce Readiness Chairs at each Chapter/State Level. Laurie Glaude suggested attending the WR conference calls. Jim will also look into planning another education meeting – Understanding Military Deployment (Part 2) like the one on 6/7/10
- 2. NH State Council earned the SHRM Silver Excel Award for the 2010 SHRM SHAPE Plan
- 3. Meeting Minutes from 3/29/11 were approved. Motion made by Anne Vallette, Seconded by John Roller.
- 4. Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. Waiting on final number from Legislative Conference
- 5. GSHRC Update – Record attendance again for 2011. Number to be finalized by July 2011
- 6. Dan Griffiths voted as the 2011 HR HERO
- 7. Tom Horgan – NH College University Council President. Council is consortium of private and public colleges and universities. . NH Is 3rd largest importer for higher education and the ONLY state to tax private colleges. NH has the lowest % of students who go to college. Provides student initiative for success and efficiency – consists of the following:
- 1. Advocacy for higher education in NH
- 2. Ongoing Programs in Shared Libraries
- 3. Professional development for faculty
- 4. Career directions on campuses
- 5. Diversity Initiative
- 6. State Scholar Schools (programs) – Workforce Readiness has been involved with Scott Powers at NH Scholars Program (
- 8. NH Forum on Future with NHHTC – non partisan forum on what issues are coming to NH. ( 1st time in history that 5 generations are in workplace
- 9. MAC Update – Dan Griffiths – 2 day meeting at SHRM. Efforts on chapter study – over 500 chapters with $250K members with majority of SHRM members NOT in chapters. Next generation more online (face book, twitter etc…) In NH 1300 SHRM members, 500 are in chapters. High ceded HR professionals in large companies do NOT participate in SHRM.
- 10. Legislative Conference – Charla Stevens – went really well; evaluations were very good; struggling with time of year with GSHRC. 35 registration via GSHRC. 5/6 legislators were present. Planning for next year – looking at full day in Concord possible other time during year
- 11. SHRM Update from Susan Post – Deb emailed to all on 5/7/11
- 12. President Forum – John Roller – all chapter presidents and president elects were invited to best practices, brainstorming meeting in June 2011 – update for next meeting
- 13. Ben – intern on State Council – working on updating and maintaining Base camp. Link is on website
Chapter Updates
- 1. SHRA – Mini Golf Tournament in June, Sponsored Child to Camp Allen
- 2. MAHRA – Recipient of Silver Excel Award for 2010 SHAPE with SHRM- cvent is working real well. Working on emarket/survey to be added as well as new website for 7/2011
- 3. Nashua – wrapping up year – 30th anniversary coming up. "My Turn" WR initiative underway
- 4. Monadnock – no update
- 5. Concord – no update
Core Leadership Updates
- 1. SHRM Foundation – Joe Wentworth - $78 earned from Legislative Conference; Fundraising ideas needed for 2011; Individual donations needed for 2011
- 2. Legislative – Jim Reidy – had no real updates. Looking at timing of Legislative Conference for 2012 as we have GSHRC, Maine HR, SPB& G seminar)
- 3. Workforce Readiness (WR) – Laurie Glaude -
- i. GMVCA – transitions program. Best 5 goals to take control of your career
- ii. Nashua – My Turn – NHS evening classes for resume writing
- iii. MAHRA – Pinkerton Academy project. 12 volunteers on job readiness for 2000K training sessions in October – program in November; white paper to business needs for involvement in schools by HR involvement
- 4. HRCI – Amy Cann – launched study blog, lots of traffic. Working with Jean Irvine to monitor when questions arise.
- 5. Diversity – John Wilson – 1st meeting 4/13/11 – determine "What are we trying to do. Survey membership of what are issues with Diversity; talked with chair in VT and waiting on ME. Develop website resources for State Council site. Borrowing ideas from other state council sites as well. SHRM Diversity Conference in October 2011. Maine Diversity Hiring Coalition – 8 years in making. Business members in Maine; bimonthly meetings; separate meetings fees (50/60 members with 30 typically showing up for meetings). 2nd mee3ting 5/26/11.
- 6. Membership – Sylvia McCarron – conference call with chapter chairs; retention (SHRM looking for 80%); HRCI; Senior Professional Group – get them involved – need to identify who / what is a senior HR professional
Adjournment – 10am . Next Meeting is Tuesday, 7/19/11 at McLane Law offices 8-10am