March 2012 Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
March 27, 2012 (8:06 am – 9:57 am)
Present: Charla Stevens, Silvia McCarron, Debra Tuttle, Anne Vallette, Therese Gesel-Towne, Walter Prior, Catharine Mirabile, Jennifer Kinville
Phone: Claire Dunleavy, Amy Cann, John Wilson, Michael Klyop, Susan Post
Minutes: The minutes of the January meeting were voted on and approved unanimously.
Name |
Action Item |
Due Date |
All |
If you are willing to work at the SHRM/NH State Council booth, please see Charla |
Apr 1st |
All |
Please send any items for the budget to Charla/Silvia/Jenn |
May 21st |
All |
Send names to John Wilson if you have suggestions for the Diversity Hiring Coalition |
May 21st |
All |
If you are interested in hosting a State Council meeting, please see Charla |
May 21st |
Amy |
Research website features – membership area, meeting announcements, mass emails |
May 21st |
Chapter Presidents |
Send Chapter Events to Amy, Joe, and Charla to advertise |
Ongoing |
Chapter Presidents |
Contact Anne if you need GSHRC Postcards to o distribute at local meetings |
Apr 1st |
Chapter Presidents |
If your Chapter has a Twitter handle, please send it to Charla and Joe Wentworth |
May 21st |
Claire / Chapter Presidents |
Discuss brochures/handouts from each chapter to have at the NH State Council booth at the Granite State HR Conference |
Apr 1st |
Deb |
Talk with James Goss regarding the Leadership Conference; integrating back into the workforce |
May 21st |
Director – Charla
Legislative Conference
The Legislative Conference for April 19th is shaping up. Please see Charla if you know of any companies interested in sponsoring. Most sponsorships have been sold, but she will work with anyone interested in sponsoring. All sponsorships include a free registration to the conference.
As of April 2nd, 39 people have registered to attend. Some of the local chapters are raffling off a free registration to the event. Green Tree Event Consultants will send an email to everyone who registered for GSHRC to remind them of the Legislative Conference.
The programs have been submitted for HRCI credits and are currently pending.
Students may attend the conference at a cost of $25. If anyone is interested in volunteering, please contact Rachel O’Neil ( Volunteers may stay to participate in the remainder of the conference at no charge. Each group or school may register up to 2 volunteers.
Mike Aitken will be providing an update on national and local legislative issues and provide advocacy training. Attendees will also be able to tour the State House, attend hearings, and meet with lawmakers. There will be a networking event and many of the lawmakers plan to attend.
Leadership Conference
The Leadership Conference will be held on October 18th at Northeast Delta Dental. The focus will be on best practices for chapters. That was done 2 years ago and was very well received. The various Core Leadership Areas will have time to meet in groups to discuss best practices. Curtis Midkiff from SHRM may present on Social Media. He may only be available via a web feed. Susan Post said that depending on the technology at Northeast Delta Dental, a web conference should work well. She will be there in person and will facilitate the Q&A portion of the presentation.
Therese suggested that there be a portion of the day dedicated to reintegrating those returning from deployments into the workforce, including having people share what helped them the most. Deb will discuss with James.
Sponsorships will be available for the event.
October is a busy month with the Strategic HR Conference at Mount Washington at the end of the month which is targeting senior level HR professionals throughout New England.
SHRM Foundation – Donation
Vote: After discussion, a vote was approved unanimously to donate $500 to the SHRM Foundation in Tom Flygare’s name.
Scholarship – Tom Flygare
We discussed starting an annual scholarship in Tom’s name which would include registration for the NH conferences (Legislative, Leadership, and Granite State). Charla will discuss with Jim Reidy and Deb Weiss Ford.
Open Board Positions and Announcements
Claire Dunleavy will be stepping down as Membership Chair to be the North Country Liaison.
Membership will be chaired by Deb Tuttle (At Large Members) and Anne Vallette (Chapters).
Congratulations to Claire, Deb, and Anne – and thank you for volunteering your time!
The HRCI position is open. Please see Charla if you know someone who would be interested.
May Meeting – Time Change
The May meeting will be from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm at the McLane offices. This will be a strategic planning meeting.
Meetings – Locations
We discussed having meetings in different areas around the state to accommodate all of our members. If you are interested in hosting a meeting, please see Charla.
Director Elect – Silvia
The 2011 SHAPE plan has been submitted and it appears that we will qualify for Silver. Initiatives included membership drive, student chapters, government affairs, diversity, and ESGR.
The 2012 SHAPE plan seems a little easier. In order to earn Gold, 100% of our Board would need to donate a minimum of $25 to the SHRM Foundation. Please note this would be a separate donation from that for credit at the Chapter level.
Our 2012 SHAPE initiatives are underway:
1. Establish a North Country chapter.
Claire is spearheading this effort with assistance from Charla and Susan Post.
2. Diversity
John is developing a Diversity Hiring Coalition, similar to what Maine has put in place.
3. Workplace Flexibility
This is a SHRM signature issue. Charla is on the Task Force on Work and Family, which is a collaborative effort with legislators and UNH. Representative Mary Stuart Gile is a champion of this issue. Dan Griffiths was previously on the Task Force. Lisa Horn, SHRM Senior Government Relations Advisor, is slated to be the key note speaker for a summit set for NH in September or October. Since NH is a target state, there would be no speaker fee to have Lisa present.
Past Director – Debra
Deb is going to be Co-Chair of Membership. She will focus on the At Large Members.
Treasurer - Jennifer
The Treasurer’s report was distributed. Balances as of March 26th were as follows:
Checking Acct Balance |
$4,324.56 |
PayPal Balance |
$546.52 |
CD Balance 10 month 400698536 (8/12) |
$1,749.66 |
CD Balance 6 month 401151774 (3/12) |
$2,694.81 |
$9,315.55 |
The PayPal Balance includes registrations for the Legislative Conference. We received sponsorship fees from 4 sponsors and 2 registrations, which were deposited after the meeting
Options for the 6 month CD which matured March 17th was discussed. We decided to renew for 6 months at the current rate of 0.35%.
Membership – Claire
Claire is still working with those interested in establishing a North Country group. 52 people are interested and they are determining how to gather the group of people. Claire is working with Charla and Susan Post on this effort. SHRM will need to get approval from NEHRA before moving forward.
All those who responded were willing to travel and they are looking to find places to have meetings and where they will capture the most people. Granite State College is willing to host meetings. It was suggested that people meet in groups if they are not able to all meet in one place. Depending on the technology, it could be effective to do web conferencing. Hospitals generally have the technology needed and may be willing to help.
Website – Amy
Amy discussed that there is a feature we are not using which would allow members to register online and mass emails could go out directly from the website. Information could be collected from the local chapters and we could have a private members only area. You can also join from the homepage of our website. The website could be used to assist chapters by announcing meetings. There would need to be a statement regarding non-solicitation. Everyone liked the idea of using these features of the website. Amy will do further research on this and will report back.
Legislative Action – Jim
Jim was unavailable for the meeting. He is working on the Legislative Conference in April.
College Relations – Therese
Therese is working with Carol Gravel at Franklin Pierce to develop courses that would be eligible for strategic credits. She is waiting for approval on the credits now. She is working with Kathi Doucet from MAHRA. She is also working with UNH and SHNU. This could be another initiative for the SHAPE plan. Therese commented that there are blurred lines between College Relations and Workforce Readiness.
Workforce Readiness – Laurie
Laurie was unavailable for the meeting. Silvia noted that a meeting was planned for March 30th at Pinkerton Academy.
Diversity – John
John is working on a diversity initiative to identify members for a Diversity Hiring Coalition. He has a few people interested in participating and has reached out to others. If you have any suggestions, please send them to John.
SHRM Foundation – Tim
Tim was unable to attend the meeting and there are no updates to report.
Social Media/Marketing – Joe
Joe was unable to attend. Charla shared that they met to discuss the Twitter handle for the State Council. If chapters have Twitter handles, please send them to Charla and Joe. We also follow other State Councils to keep tabs on what other states are doing. Send your events to the Joe, Amy, and Charla to advertise.
Communications – Anne
The Granite State HR Conference is still open for early registration. The programs have been approved for 13.75 credits, including 11.25 strategic credits. Please see Anne if you need GSHRC postcards to distribute at the monthly meetings. There is 1 sponsorship left and there are 3 booths left, so if you are interested in sponsoring or would like a booth, please contact Anne.
HR Hero nominations are in and have been voted on. Governor Lynch has not committed to being at the event, but they are hoping he can kick off the evening reception.
Students and Members in Transition interested in volunteering at the event should contact Anne. Volunteers may stay for the conference at no charge.
There will be a booth for SHRM, NH State Council, and the local chapters. If you have marketing material available, please send it to Anne and Charla. If you are willing to take a shift at the booth, please see Charla.
ESGR Program – James
Charla provided an update while James enjoys vacation time. James thanks everyone for their efforts to help get soldiers back to work, including resume review and mock interviewing. He also appreciates people sending him links to jobs. While the NH unemployment rate is approximately 5%, the rate for soldiers is closer to 15%. HR State Council of NH has been nominated for an award by the NH Institute for Politics at St. Anselm College for supporting ESGR Programs. The award will be presented the last Saturday in April.
Local Chapter Updates
No updates to report.
SHRM Updates – Susan
Susan highlighted the following SHRM news and updates. Please refer to the March 2012 Update for complete details.
SHAPE Plan - There are a lot of changes for 2012, so please review the SHAPE plan. The due date for the 2012 SHAPE is January 1, 2013. The 2012 SHAPE Planning Workbooks and Strategic Planning Toolkits are available online now.
Core Leadership Area Conference Calls / Webinars – Please see the schedule for calls/webinars coming up in April.
Chapters-By-Size Conference Schedule – Please see the schedule for upcoming calls specific to your chapter size.
Volunteer Leader Webcast Series – Please see the schedule for upcoming webcasts.
Membership Marketing Summit – There is a Membership Marketing Summit on June 23rd in Atlanta at the SHRM National Convention.
Regional Student Conferences – The University of MA, Amherst summit was very successful. They had case study competitions. If you have ideas for a location for next year’s summit, please see Susan.
Please note time change for our next meeting!
Next meeting ~ Tuesday, May 22nd 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
McLane Law Firm, Manchester, NH
Submitted, Jennifer A. Kinville, SPHR, Secretary/Treasurer