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March 2011 Meeting Minutes

    NH State Council Meeting Minutes
    March 29, 2011



    Attendees:  Debra Tuttle, Charla Stevens, Therese Gesel-Towne, Marie Erickson,, John Wilson, 

    Silvia McCarron, Tom Harte, John Roller, James Goss, Catharine Mirabile, Laurie Glaude

    Absent:  David Wheel, Jennie Meister, Yola DeDominicis


    Phone:   Susan Post (SHRM), Amy Cann, Joe Wentworth, Dan Griffiths, Anne Vallette, Jim Reidy,  Mara Olisky, Amy Wright, Tim Dabrieo


    SHRM Update

    • SCAPE due March 31 
    • Please see the April Northeast Region update for CLA conference call schedules. 
    • Volunteer Discount rate through April 15, for the SHRM Annual Conference June 26-29, Vegas
    • 2011 Membership goals is 3%.  Chapters are also asked to track retention.  Stars and Superstar targets remain the same 6-9.9% and 10% respectfully. 
    • If changes your Bi-laws, they need to be approved by SHRM prior to your chapter ratifying them
    • Northeast Regional Student Conference, April 1-2, Monroe Community College.  This year it will be a case study competition. Teams will have 4 hours to prepare.  We have 14 teams from the Northeast participating
    • Starting in 2012 all SHRM Chapter support payments will be made via direct deposit, see the April Northeast Region update for the link
    • Chapter Officer Badges are available directly through RCB Awards, see the April Northeast Region update for the link. 


    Budget/Treasurer Report

    Updated budget is attached.  If you will be charging an initiative this year, please let us know if you would need budget dollars.



    Debra Tuttle welcomed everyone to the meeting.

    Action Items

    • January meeting minutes were approved
    • Voted to ratify the Bi Laws
    • SummitDeb and Charla attended the Summit in CA.  All state council Directors and MAC representatives were present.  It was a great opportunity to network and the fantastic keynote speaker talked about leadership and volunteering.


    CLA Updates

    Membership – Email blast in Dec and a hard copy letter went out in the mail in Jan.  We will be at booth #305 at the Granite State Conference.  All at large conference attendees have been promoted to visit the booth, they will receive a ruler/calculator.  Each chapter is encouraged to bring literature about your chapter to have in the booth for attendees looking for a chapter in their area. Membership is also working on a Tri-State Sr. HR Forum.   

    HRCI – Intern still updating Base Camp.  Amy will give us a presentation of Base Camp at our next meeting.  They will use HR Blog for people who are studying for certification.  They will receive a discounted SHRM Learning System and will be able to study and ask questions through the HR blog.   location for communication.     

    Workforce Readiness –  April is a big month.  Chapters are all working on their on initiatives which include NH DES, local High Schools.  They will be looking for volunteers to reach out and present to 1700 juniors.  The presentation has already been developed.  If you are interested please send Laurie an email  Sylvia also discussed the work ready certification.  4 colleges are participating.  It is a 6 week course which includes soft skills.  

    College Relations –  The group is working to see if we could get some businesses interested in accommodating interns. 

    Diversity – The initial committee meeting will be held on Monday, April11.  John is still looking for volunteers to join.  They will be identifying issues across the state. 

    Governmental Affairs -  Charla, Jim and others attended the DC conference.  Highlights of the conference were:

    • Workplace Bills, workplace flexibility and healthcare reform.
    • Presentation on US Deficit
    • Lobbyist Lisa Horn – Charla is trying to entice her to come to NH.  The target would be for our Oct Leadership Conference.

    SHRM Foundation – We will have a raffle at the Legislative Conference to benefit the foundation.  We are also asking that every leader at the chapter and state council level donate.



    Social Media – Joe and Debra will connect and research and bring their findings to the next  council meeting. 

    Leadership Conference – October25 at Northeast Delta Dental

    Guard & Reservist– Jim informed the group of a free guide to the benefit of a veteran.  It can be downloaded at   and the coupon code is  VTESGR.

    They are also partnering with NH DES and Jim shared with us many job fairs that will be taking place in April.  In the Oct/Nov time frame Jim may be looking to the HR community to assist veterans returning to prepare them for employment.  They will need assistance with resume writing, etc.  

    Granite State Conference- May 3, 2011.  6 1/4 Strategic Credits and 12 ½  General Credits have been approved.  Registration now.  Thank you to Labornet.

    Legislative Conference – May 2, 2011. Discounted price if you attend both the Granite State Conference and the Legislative Conference $60.  We have several sponsors, and 5 legislators will be presenting in break out sessions.  Charla gave an overview of the conference which will include, how a bill becomes law in NH, a panel of advocates and a legislative update by Charla and Jim Reidy.  The fee for the conference is $75 if you only attend the legislative conference.


    Chapter Updates

    Seacoast – They had a mini golf tournament to benefit SHRM Foundation.

                            Raffled off 4 attendances to the Granite State Conference

                            Donated funds to Camp Allen

    Manchester – John will be initiating a President Forum.  The format will be best practices and the thought is to meet twice a year.               

                            Small Business Initiative- first meeting had around 35 employers

                            Redesigned the website- check it out

                            Joint meeting with Concord in September, Employee Engagement

                            They hired a marketing firm

    Monadnock -             Working on Succession planning and increasing membership

                            Mini Conference


    GMVHRA     Partner with Northern Essex Community College, they hold their meetings at their new facility in Lawrence.

                            They have launched their new website

    Nashua           Planning their 30thAnniversary Event

                            Working on increasing membership through retention

                            Raffle 2 attendances to the Granite State Conference

                            Initiated the Katie Cane Award        

    Concord         Planning 2011-2012 program year

                            Succession Planning

                            Sponsoring 2 students from SNHU Chapter for NE Regional Student Games

                            Sponsored for members to attend Granite State Conference

                            Membership is on the rise


    MAC Update – Dan gave the council an overview of what the MAC is.  There are 5 volunteer members that represent all the states.  Dan represents 11 states.  They collect information from the members what is working, what isn’t working.  They have collected this info from surveys, face to face discussions, phone chats and reaching out to chapter presidents and boards.    This info is then shared with all the of the SHRM Boards, SHRM, HRCI and the Foundation.  Email Dan at dan@goalqpc.comto be heard.  The next meeting is in May.



    Next meeting will be May 24th,  8:00am at McLane.


    Meeting adjourned 10:00am. 



    Marie A. Erickson
