July 2012 Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
July 24, 2012 (8:00 am – 10:00 am) via telephone
Phone: Charla Stevens, Silvia McCarron, Therese Gesel-Towne, Anne Vallette, James Goss, John Wilson, Laurie Glaude, Michael Klyop, Jennifer Kinville, Phyllis Shurn-Hannah, Ginny Champney, Barbara Hecker, Claire Dunleavy
Special Guest: Bud Bernstein
Minutes: The minutes of the May meeting were voted on and approved unanimously.
Name |
Action Item |
Due Date |
All |
If you are interested in hosting a State Council meeting, please see Charla |
Sep 25th |
All |
Please see Charla if you are unable to attend the Leadership Conference on October 18th |
Aug 31st |
All |
Send thoughts to Charla regarding financial support for Past Directors |
Sep 25th |
All |
If you are interested in joining SHRM’s Advocacy Team (A-Team), please see Charla or Silvia; Chapter members eligible for this, too. |
Sep 25th |
Amy |
Research website features – membership area, meeting announcements, mass emails |
Sep 25th |
Chapter Presidents |
Send Chapter Events to Amy, Joe, and Charla to advertise |
Ongoing |
Chapter Presidents |
Send list of Chapter Board Members (including position and contact info) to Charla |
Aug 31st |
Chapter Presidents |
Send brochures to Charla or Silvia to have at the Strategic HR Conference; the State Council will have exhibit space |
Sep 25th |
Chapter Presidents |
If your Chapter has a Twitter handle, please send it to Charla and Joe Wentworth |
Sep 25th |
Chapter Presidents |
Send Program list to Charla, Joe, and Amy to publicize/advertise |
Sep 25th |
Charla |
D&O Insurance – further research |
Sep 25th |
Charla |
September agenda item – Financial Goals and Objectives |
Sep 18th |
NH State Council Minutes – July 22, 2012 Page 1 of 7 The State Council aids in the advancement of the Human Resources profession in the State of New Hampshire by providing the leadership and structure to NH SHRM members in order to consult together, promote learning, foster communication, facilitate exchange of vital ideas and information and provide the vision to meet the HR challenges of today and the future. NH State Council Minutes – July 22, 2012 Page 2 of 7 The State Council aids in the advancement of the Human Resources profession in the State of New Hampshire by providing the leadership and structure to NH SHRM members in order to consult together, promote learning, foster communication, facilitate exchange of vital ideas and information and provide the vision to meet the HR challenges of today and the future.
Director – Charla
Strategic HR Conference
This will be held October 28th-30th. There is a 25% discount for State Council Members and Chapter Board Members. This conference targets senior level HR professionals all over New England. Please support this effort by promoting the event.
Bud Bernstein joined us for part of the call. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Connecticut are endorsing the conference. 95% of programs are in place. September 3rd is deadline to book a room at the reduced conference rate. Current registration is at 110 but there is capacity for 300. Attendees will have access to everything the Mt Washington Hotel has to offer. There is exhibit space for each state council. Chapter presidents, please send brochures to Silvia. For further information, email Bud at bud@strategichrne.com or visit the website at www.strategichrne.com.
Directors and Officers Liability Insurance
John Wilson raised the issue and there was a discussion regarding obtaining coverage for the state council. Phyllis stated that SHRM does not require chapters to have D&O insurances. Some chapters can not afford it and in some states, the State Councils cover it for the chapters. It is important to have a check and balance with regard to financial matters. Charla is going to look into this issue further.
Leadership Conference
The Leadership Conference will be held on October 18th at Northeast Delta Dental. The focus will be on best practices for chapters and social media. The various Core Leadership Areas will have time to meet in groups to discuss best practices. Curtis Midkiff from SHRM may present on Social Media. He may only be available via a web feed. Susan Post said that depending on the technology at Northeast Delta Dental, a web conference should work well. She will be there in person and will facilitate the Q&A portion of the presentation. Charla, Deb, Silvia, and Jenn talked last week and are working on a save the date and a call for sponsors. Please promote this within the chapters.
We are considering a price increase from $50 to $60 or $65. The costs include speaker expenses, food/beverage, and printing. Northeast Delta Dental is allowing us use of the room at no cost. Our sponsors will help cover the costs and we could make a little bit of money. There was some discussion regarding the allocation of funds from our conferences. The programs are in process and hopefully will earn strategic credits.
Financial Strategy
There was a discussion regarding State Council funds and our initiatives for assisting our board members and the chapters. Our initiatives are to assist the North Country chapter, continue to sponsor some students to attend State Council conferences, continue to hold events that will be beneficial, and to support State Council members to attend conferences, including travel expenses. There are certain SHRM events the State Council must attend.
Past Directors
Providing financial support for past Directors to attend one or more State Council conferences was discussed. Our goal is to keep them engaged and thank them for their service. The proposal is for someone who was a Director for 2 years would be offered 1 free conference for 2 years. Therese is in
NH State Council Minutes – July 22, 2012 Page 3 of 7 The State Council aids in the advancement of the Human Resources profession in the State of New Hampshire by providing the leadership and structure to NH SHRM members in order to consult together, promote learning, foster communication, facilitate exchange of vital ideas and information and provide the vision to meet the HR challenges of today and the future.
support of supporting them and to keep them in the loop with communication, too. Going forward, it would only be 1 person for 2 years, but we plan to catch up with Therese and Dan.
Mike talked about an advocacy role within MAHRA. The immediate past President is in an advocacy role. He also suggested ambassador memberships.
Phyllis mentioned that she sees this more at the Chapter level than the State Council level. If you have thoughts on this topic, please share them with Charla.
MAC Update - Ginny
SHRM has created the Membership Advisory Council (MAC) which has 5 representatives across the country. Ginny is the Northeast Regional representative which covers 11 states. Ginny thanked everyone for completing the survey. She takes our feedback and shares it with SHRM Senior Management.
MAC Survey results
The survey showed that the website needed work, and SHRM is working on improvements. There is an update expected soon to improve navigation and the search functionality. There will also be applications that can be downloaded on mobile devices.
They shared with the SHRM Senior Management that SHRM webinars are too expensive for many SHRM Members. They are also working on helping SHRM members have access to the SHRM Annual Conference online, including presentation handouts and webinars.
In late 2010, the HR Competencies were updated. SHRM National can take self assessments to see where HR professionals fall under the new competencies. The recession has caused issues for many HR professionals who are doing more and more with less. This also impacts their ability to volunteer, too. The competency model for HR Professionals is in process. A self assessment tool will be available in early 2013 and will be at a nominal fee.
They are looking for ways to expose SHRM’s worth to the business community since many individuals are paying for their SHRM membership on their own because their companies do not see the value.
Information was provided to the HRCI Board. Getting recertified is expensive and time consuming. They want to increase the value of the certification and also for HRCI to take experience level into account.
Hank Jackson announced a new strategic alliance with the American Council of International Personnel which will help with immigration and global mobility issues.
SHRM Membership is at 261,000 which is 1% higher than 2011. They are very pleased with that!
Companies with global locations may want to check out the new global content on the SHRM website. It includes a country guide which shows you how to interact with other countries.
Leadership Conference – It is important to have representation at the SHRM Leadership Conference. Issues have included cost and also space limitations. They are working to address those issues.
Phyllis mentioned the SHRM Speaker’s Bureau. Please refer to the SHRM website for a list of speakers that are available.
NH State Council Minutes – July 22, 2012 Page 4 of 7 The State Council aids in the advancement of the Human Resources profession in the State of New Hampshire by providing the leadership and structure to NH SHRM members in order to consult together, promote learning, foster communication, facilitate exchange of vital ideas and information and provide the vision to meet the HR challenges of today and the future.
SHRM Update - Phyllis
Phyllis is the Field Services Director for the Northeast. The SHRM Update will be coming out soon. It is our responsibility to report new officers. There is a form in the volunteer resource center on the website and we can reach out to Liz with questions.
Applications for the Pinnacle Award are due September 9th; if you have initiatives that you want to nominate, please get those in.
Diversity and Inclusion Conference is in Chicago from October 22-24, 2012. This conference includes great programming and assistance to reach your 2012 initiatives. The Workflex Conference is in Chicago from October 23-24, 2012
Mark your calendars for CLA and chapters by size conference calls. These are great ways to get best practices and new ideas. It is also a chance to discuss challenges you may be having and get support from your peers.
SHRM Strategy Conference will be held in Palm Springs, CA from October 3-5, 2012.
SHRM Annual Conference will be held in Chicago from June 16-19, 2013.
SHRM Leadership Conference will be held in Washington DC from November 15-17, 2012.
Director Elect – Silvia
Silvia said the SHRM Annual Conference was fantastic! SHRM does offer corporate delegation discounts available for the SHRM conferences. If there are enough people interested, there could be a corporate discount for NH SHRM Members. She is going to look into this.
Past Director – Debra
No updates to report.
Treasurer - Jennifer
Treasurer’s Report – July 22, 2012
Checking Acct Balance |
$9,371.49 |
CD Balance 10 month 400698536 (8/7/12) |
$1,752.00 |
CD Balance 6 month 401151774 (9/17/12) |
$2,697.97 |
$13,821.46 |
Legislative Conference – April 19, 2012
Gross Income |
$10,015.00 |
Expenses |
-$4,870.91 |
$5,144.09 |
Transactions since May 22, 2012
Tidewater Catering – State Council Strategy Meeting on May 22nd |
-$154.72 |
SHRM Conference Travel Expenses – Silvia McCarron |
-$661.65 |
Final receipts for Legislative Conference |
$595.00 |
NH State Council Minutes – July 22, 2012 Page 5 of 7 The State Council aids in the advancement of the Human Resources profession in the State of New Hampshire by providing the leadership and structure to NH SHRM members in order to consult together, promote learning, foster communication, facilitate exchange of vital ideas and information and provide the vision to meet the HR challenges of today and the future.
CD Renewals
We have a CD maturing on August 7, 2012 and another one maturing on September 17, 2012. The current options and rates from St. Mary’s Bank are outlined below.
Type Current Term Account # Amount Rate Maturity Date
CD 10 months 400698536 $1,752.00 0.400% 08/07/2012
CD 6 months 401151774 $2,697.19 0.350% 09/17/2012
Options for CDs maturing:
1. Renew at current term Rate - 0.35%
2. Renew for different term 6-11 month CD Rate - 0.35%
3. Cash out
4. Money Market Rate is 0.25%; Minimum of $2,500
5. Combination of Option 3 and Options 1 and 2; cash out a portion and put the remainder in a CD. The minimum for all CD terms is $500.
July 20, 2012
Discussion with Charla, Stevens, Silvia McCarron, Debra Tuttle, and Jennifer Kinville. We decided to renew both of our CDs at the current terms.
Membership – Debra and Anne
Deb has been working on driving members to chapters and has attended the CLA calls.
Membership Report
Participated in the monthly Membership Core Area Conference call in May 31, 2012.
Deb has volunteered to be on the SHRM Scholarship Application Review Committee.
Participated on the North Country conference call with Claire Dunleavy and took away the action item to speak with Charla about funding a North Country event. We did speak with Charla and told her it would be an opportune time that we are going to pay for it that we are also going to play a major role in the event. Charla and her Executive team will discuss further in terms of making specific plans. I do know that Charla has asked Claire for ideas where it can be held and some ideas for costs associated with food. On 7/20/2012, we submitted an E-Blast about the benefits of belonging to SHRM as well as local chapters along with a reminder that the Chapter meetings are resuming in September 2012. The EBlast is scheduled to go out on 7/26/2012 once SHRM has approved it.
We will be participating on the next Membership Conference Call scheduled for 8/23/12 and 12/13/2012 both of which are at 2pm.
North Country Chapter – Claire
Susan, Claire and a few others talked about how to move forward with the North Country Chapter. SHRA and Concord are interested in sponsoring them as an affiliate of their chapters. Claire is working with the interested participants about next steps. They plan to have a meeting and will invite members of SHRA, Concord, and State Council to present. Claire is getting quotes from various places and plans
NH State Council Minutes – July 22, 2012 Page 6 of 7 The State Council aids in the advancement of the Human Resources profession in the State of New Hampshire by providing the leadership and structure to NH SHRM members in order to consult together, promote learning, foster communication, facilitate exchange of vital ideas and information and provide the vision to meet the HR challenges of today and the future.
something for an event in early September. She is proposing a late afternoon/early evening event. SHRM will also send it out to At Large Members.
Charla, Silvia, Deb, and Jenn discussed this last week. The State Council will assist financially. A vote for financial support will be done via email once Claire has quotes.
In addition, the State Council will offer financial support to pay $10 toward new chapter members. Therese has offered to help with planning.
Website – Amy
Amy is updating the website with information regarding the Leadership Conference.
Legislative Action – Jim
Generally summer is a pretty quiet time. No updates to report.
College Relations – Therese
Therese has identified all College Relations Chapter Chairs and plans a meeting for August (via phone). She is hoping that we will continue to sponsor students to attend State Council sponsored conferences. Everyone agreed that this was something we wanted to continue to do.
Phyllis stated that the Northeast regional Student Conference would be held at the University of Delaware March 15-16, 2013. Silvia and Phyllis commented on a SHRM initiative which is to keep young professionals involved with SHRM. Networking events are important to young professionals. Engage them in college and keep them involved in SHRM as they enter into their careers.
College Relations Report
Working on coordinating a meeting with the College Relations folks from the local Chapters. Currently identifying the appropriate contacts for all the chapters; at this point there are two that I'm still pursuing.
My goal is to hold the meeting for August, if schedules permit, or early September. The focus of the meeting will be to provide a forum for the Chapter Reps to hear from their peers and to share ideas, updates and determine how the State Council might help to support their efforts.
Ideally, the goal is to create a forum (or series of sessions) for the Chapter College Relations Reps to hear from the representatives from the local colleges and universities and serve as a resource in their development of courses/workshops.
I continue to serve on the Franklin Pierce Advisory Board. There are continued discussions about developing programs/sessions with a focus on strategic recertification efforts.
Workforce Readiness – Laurie
On June 4th, Caroline Bergeron from MAHRA outreach to high schools. SHRA is back in full swing with Julie Braley and her team continuing to work on projects with local high schools and also with veterans. GMV is working on a 3 part series with high schools including resume writing and interviewing.
Nashua has a new chair, Milly Oullette who is jumping right in.
Laurie and the chapter chairs are working on a hiring youths program for next spring. They are in the early stages of planning this event.
Diversity – John
John discussed the Task Force formed by the Diversity Committee. There is great energy on the task force and John wanted to thank Therese for her assistance. She brought back people from Maine DHC and they answered questions for 2 hours. They’ve shared bylaws, ups and downs, committee structure.
NH State Council Minutes – July 22, 2012 Page 7 of 7 The State Council aids in the advancement of the Human Resources profession in the State of New Hampshire by providing the leadership and structure to NH SHRM members in order to consult together, promote learning, foster communication, facilitate exchange of vital ideas and information and provide the vision to meet the HR challenges of today and the future.
Diversity Report
A Task Force has been formed by the Diversity Committee and has had 3 meetings in the last ~ 2 months. The purpose of the meetings has been to discuss the purpose of the DHC, membership and membership fees, bylaws, scope of diversity to be addressed, possible founding members, committees and relationship to SHRM. The most recent meeting was July 17th and included two members of the Maine DHC, with whom we spent 2 hours while they explained the Maine DHC and answered myriad questions.
Our next meeting will be within several weeks, and we have a target date of implementation of October 1, 2012.
SHRM Foundation – Tim
No updates to report.
Social Media/Marketing – Joe
No updates to report.
GSHRC – Anne
The GSHRC will be on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at the Radisson. The theme will be HR Triathlon, People, Process, and Profitability. They are finalizing budget for 2012 and will share final report with State Council. There are openings on the Programming committee and they are looking for volunteers. Laurie Glaude is Co-President in 2013 with Anne and Laurie will take over as President in 2014.
ESGR Program – James
He spoke with Deb and has made contact with a social worker within the military who is prepared to make a 15-20 minute presentation covering the reluctance of companies to hire returning service members at the Leadership Conference. They will also have a table with material.
Local Chapter Updates
No updates to report.
Next meeting ~ Tuesday, September 25th
8:00 – 10:00 am
McLane Law Offices, Manchester, NH
Submitted, Jennifer A. Kinville, SPHR, Secretary/Treasurer