January 2012 Meeting Minutes
Present: Charla Stevens, Silvia McCaron, Debra Tuttle, Anne Vallette, Tim Dabrieo, Catharine
Mirabile, Jennifer Kinville
Phone: Claire Dunleavy, James, Goss, Jim Reidy, Laurie Glaude, Rosamond Cain, Amy Wright, Phyllis
Shurn-Hannah (SHRM)
Minutes: The minutes of the November meeting were voted on and approved unanimously.
Director - Charla
There is a discount if you register for both the Granite State Conference and the Legislative Conference.
The cost is $300 for both (8225 for GSHRC and $75 for Legislative).
Tri- State Leadership Conference
The plan was to have a tri-state conference with ME/Ì.{IWT every other year and a state conference on
the off years. There is currently no interest from ME or VT to have a Tri-State Conference in 2012.
There was discussion about whether to have a state conference due to the Strategic HR New England
Conference set for October 28-30 at the Mount Washington Hotel. That conference is geared toward
senior level HR professionals from all over New England and is targeting a different audience than the
state leadership conference. After a discussion, it was determined to have a NH Leadership Conference
again in 2012. It was suggested that this year we include t;me for the local chapter Board Members to
meet together in their Core Leadership Areas to brainstorm and share ideas. That was very popular at the
Tri-State Conference.
NH State Council Mínutes -January 31, 2012 Page I of4
The State Council aids in the advancement of the Human Resources profession in the State of New Hampshire by providing the
leadership and structure to NH SHRM members in order to consult together, promote leaming, foster communication, facilitate
exchange of vital ideas and information and provide the vision to meet the HR challenges of today and the future.
Name Action Item Due Date
All Please send any items for the budget to Charla/Silvia/Jenn Mar l't
Charla/Clatre Share ideas from the SHRM conference regarding membership Mar 9ü
Claire lChapter
Discuss brochu¡esÆrandouts from each chapter to have at the
NH State Council booth at the Granite State HR Conference
Mar 9ú
Anne GSHRC Postcards to Chapter Presidents to distribute at local
Mar 1't
Therese /
Volunteers needed for Regional Student Conference at
University of MA, March 9-10; contact Phyllis Feb 17m
Silvia Check with Connie Roy-Czyzowski to see if the room at
Northeast Delta Dental is available in earlv October
Mar 9ft
Regional Council Summit
Charla will be attending the Regional Council Sunmit in February in Grapevine, TX.
Board Vote: Approve the costs of Charla's flight, transportation, and hotel to attend the conference.
Approved unanimously.
Director Elect - Sitvia
They are working on finalizing the 2011 SHAPE and it appears that we will qualiff for Silver. One of the
requirements to qualiff for gold is for chapters to have 100% SHRM members which is not possible at
this time.
Past Director - I)ebra
Deb is working with Silvia and Charla on the 2011 SHAPE plan.
Treasurer - Jennifer
The documents at the bank have been completed for Charla, Silvia, and Jenn to have access and signature
authority. Jenn has applied for online banking and the 2012bú,get is underway. Please send any budget
items to Charla, Silvia, and Jenn. Updated financials will be distributed.
Membership - Claire
Claire is still working with those interested in establishing a North Country group. She sent out a survey
and 50%o have responded so far. Right now,78%o of those who responded are HR professionals. There is
still a question as to how to get together and what fashion.
Charla has notes from the SHRM Conference and some of the information is listed on the SHRM website.
She felt reenergized after the meeting and will share those notes with Claire. Ideas included brochures
which feature the benefits of being a member of a local chapter and targeting companies to have their HR
members join a local chapter.
At the Granite State Conference last year, the NH State Council had a booth. Claire will attend and will
sit at the booth. Some chapters had brochures/handouts available at the booth, too.
Certification and Website - Amy
Amy was unable to attend and there are no updates to report.
Legislative Action - Jim
The US Department of Labor is working on FMLA Amendments. Jim will be attending the SHRM
Employment Law and Legislative Conference in Washington, DC in March. There are several items
coming up this year including worþlace flexibility, classifications (independent contractors), healthcare
reform law, ERISA, and ADA Amendments.
The Legislative Conference on April 19ù is open for registration. There is a $20 discount (to $75) if you
register for both the Legislative and GSHRC. Special thanks to Charla Stevens and Mike Klyop for this
idea. Everyone is excited to have Mike Aitken, Director of Legislative Affairs, speaking at the
conference. There are several worþlace bills in progress now. They are looking to choose four bills to
target and summarize them. There will be an opportunity to speak with legislato¡s and a walk to the State
NH State Councíl Minutes - Jønuary 31, 2012 Page 2 of4
The State Council aids in the advancement of the Human Resources profession in the State of New Hampshire by providing the
leadership and structure to NH SHRM members in order to consult together, promote learning, foster communication, facilitate
exchange of vital ideas and information and provide the vision to meet the HR challenges of today and the future.
College Relations - Therese
Therese was not available for the meeting but she is worhng with Carol Gravel at Franklin Pierce to
develop courses that would be eligible for strategic credits. She is waiting for approval on the credits
Worldorce Readiness - Laurie
Workforce Readiness has been very busy. Julie Braley from SHRA hosted a Best Practices Summit in
December. Members of Manchester, Greater Merrimack, and SHRA attended. They shared some of the
groups they worked with including company who recently downsized where they helped with displaced
employees, late career employees, and Veteran programs. They are also working with high schools and
colleges ilcluding Pinkerton Academy and SNHU. They plan to continue their Best Practices Summit on
March 30û at Pinkerton Academy.
Silvia pitched a story to Matt Mowry of Business NH Magazine and provided him with Laurie's
Diversity - John
John was unable to attend and there are no updates to report.
SHRM Foundation - Tim
Tim does not have the final 2011 reports, but he does not believe we reached 100%o interms of donations.
He is working on his role and will be working with SHRM regarding the item they will donate to NH
State Council to raffle off at one of the events.
Social Media/lVlarketing - Joe
Joe was unable to attend the meeting. He will be working with social media including Linked In and
Communications - Anne
The Granite State HR Conference is open for early registration. The programs have been approved for
13.75 credits, including 11.25 slrategic credits. Special thanks to Program Chair, Fran LaFavour. The
sessions will be available as webinars for an additional charge. Please keep in mind that only up to 20
credits for recertification may be webinars. Anne will follow up regarding the GSHRC postcards to
distribute to the Chapter Presidents to have at the monthly meetings. Chapter Presidents may also add a
link to the conference on their local chapter websites.
HR Hero nominations are due to Laurie by February 29ü.
ESGR Program - James
A unit from the Air National Guard returned on September 15th. At the time, the unemployment rate for
the unit was 32Yo. They developed a plan of attach including workshops and meetings. The
unemployment rate for the unit is now down to I5%o. While they are proud of the work they have done,
there is still more to be done.
There is a job fair on February 9ft in Exeter followed by a Military and Community forum in Newfields.
James reported on the various groups who are back safely from overseas - such great news!
NH State Council Minutes - January 3I , 2012 Page 3 of4
The State Council aids in the advancement of the Human Resources profession in the State of New Hampshire by providing the
leadership and structure to NH SHRM members in order to consult together, promote leaming, foster communication, facilitate
exchange of vital ideas and information and provide the vision to meet the HR challenges of today and the future.
There was an Employment Workshop on January 7ft at the Manchester Armory. There were 50 soldiers
who participated in the Workshop which included assistance on job search techniques, completing
applications, resume writing, interviewing, and one on one sit downs with HR representatives. Special
thanks to John Roller, Joe Wentworth, Arlene Murphy, Ben Adams, Krystal Hicks, and Sarah DeFalco
for their help with this event.
Local Chapter Updates
No updates to report.
SHRM Updates - Phyllis
Please be sure to submit the SIIAPE plan in a timely fashion. There are a lot of changes for 2012, so
please review the SIIAPE plan. The due date for the 2012 SHAPE is January 1,2013. The requirement
for local members to be SHRM members is going up. There was discussion that chapters could lose
LMOs (Local Member Only).
The Regional Summit in February is a great event to learn about best practices and go over any issues.
Charla is attending this conference.
There is a SHRM Regional Student Conference March 9-I0 at the University of Massachusetts. She is
looking for volunteers to meet with students and help with interview skills.
The Employment Law and Legislative Conference is in March. Jim is attending.
State Council name badges can be ordered from the SHRM website.
Direct Deposit is required to receive financial assistance from SHRM. We do have that set up.
State Council Board Members and Chapter Board Members should be attending SHRM CLA
webinars/teleconferences. In addition, the SHRM website has a lot of great information for the State
Council and Chapters to prepare for the year.
The Annual SHRM Conference is in Atlanta in June. Please promote the conference at Chapter meetings.
Next meeting - Tuesday, March 27th 8:00 am - 10:00 am
Mclane Law Firm, Manchester, NH
Submitted, Jennifer A. Kinville, SPHR, S ecretary/Treasurer
NH State Councíl Minutes - January 31, 2012 Page 4 of 4
The State Council aids in the advancement of the Human Resources profession in the State of New Hampshire by providing the
leadership and structure to NH SHRM members in order to consult together, promote leaming, foster communication, facilitate
exchange of vital ideas and information and provide the vision to meet the HR challenges of today and the future.