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February 2013 Meeting Minutes

    Board of Directors Meeting

    February 8, 2013   (8:10 am – 10:05 am)


    Phone:  Charla Stevens, Silvia McCarron, Susan Post, Amy Wright, Anne Vallette, Laurie Glaude, Catharine Mirabile, Barbara Hecker, Therese Gesel-Town, Joe Wentworth, Walter Prior, Tim Dabrieo, Jim Reidy, Debra Tuttle, Claire Dunleavy, Mike Klyop, Jennifer Kinville


    Minutes:  The minutes of the November meeting were voted on and approved unanimously. Anne made the motion to accept and Tim seconded the motion.



    Action Item

    Due Date


    If interested in any of the 2013 Conferences, please contact Charla and Silvia


    Chapter Presidents

    Send along information regarding scholarship processes and procedures to Charla

    March 25th


    Join the State Council – visit the website to join!



    Review 2013 State Council Planning Workbook (link below)



    If interested in volunteering at the Northeast Regional Student Conference, please contact Susan



    Send 2013 budget items to Jenn

    March 1st


    Research website features – membership area, meeting announcements, mass emails



    D&O Insurance – further research




    Director – Charla


    2013 SHRM Conferences

    Please encourage local chapters to share the SHRM Conference information with their members.  Please see the information below regarding the conferences and see Charla or Silvia if you are interested in attending any of these conferences.  Now that the State Council is in a position where we can financially support education and leadership development for our State Council members, we would like to do that.  We discussed the scholarship processes that the chapters use.  If you have an application and process/procedures, please forward those to Charla.


    SHRM Regional Council Summit

    The Regional Council Summit will be held in February 2013.  Charla and Silvia will be attending this summit.  The event is where all State Council Directors and Directors Elect get together to prepare and plan for the upcoming year. 


    SHRM Employment Law and Legislative Conference

    This conference is March 10-13.  Jim Reidy will be attending.  Katie Kiernan Marble from Greater Nashua is also attending.


    SHRM Annual Conference

    This conference is June 16-19 in Chicago, IL.  It is important that we have representation from the State Council at the Regional Council meeting which takes place at this Conference.  Deb Tuttle is signed up for it and Walt Prior is also planning to go.  Silvia is unable to attend and Charla is not able to attend the full conference.  The State Council has budgeted for the conference. 


    SHRM Leadership Conference

    This conference will be in November.  It is important for the State Council and local chapters to have a good presence at this event. 


    Strategic HR Conference

    The feedback from last year’s conference was great.  In addition, we received a grant of $3,250 for promoting this conference.  The conference will take place at the Mount Washington Hotel October 27-29.  The rate for State Council members, SHRM chapter leaders, and returning attendees from 2012 is $725.  Overnight accommodations at the Omni Mount Washington Hotel are $184/night.


    Leadership Conference

    We are working on having a Tri-State Leadership Conference this year and plan to team up with Maine and Vermont again.  This is in process and more information will follow.


    NH Radio Partnership

    Charla has been approached about a possible partnership with NH Radio.  The person at NH Radio is a SHRM Member.  We would be able to co-sponsor events which would be a variety of presentations.  Everyone was interested in this.


    CT State Council Partnership - Webinars

    The CT State Council has put on a number of webinars and they are willing to share this information with us.  The webinars would be provided by the CT State Council and we could charge $20 per webinar.  Most webinars are approved for HRCI credits.  If interested, we would begin to roll this out in March.  There is a free webinar available for everyone to view.  Charla will send out the link for the free webinar.


    Vote:  It was unanimous that we will partner with the CT State Council on these webinars. 

    Everyone agreed that this would be a great opportunity for our members and could generate additional revenue for the State Council.  Everyone agrees that it would be a great opportunity for us, our chapter members, and at large members.


    Director Elect - Silvia



    The 2012 SHAPE was submitted by the January 31st deadline.  Kudos to everyone!  Members of the State Council do so much throughout the year and when Silvia pulled everything together for the year end SHAPE report, it is amazing what was accomplished last year!  The efforts were widespread across the State Council.  We were hoping to go for Gold or Platinum.  We did not have 100% participation for SHRM Foundation donations.  Those levels require that all State Council Members (excluding Chapter Presidents) contribute a minimum of $25 to the SHRM Foundation.  We also did not meet the Membership number requirements.  We expect to be awarded Silver.


    Charla echoed Silvia’s comments – great job by everyone!  She also gave special thanks to Silvia for pulling it all together.


    Please review the 2013 State Council Planning Workbook as you think about your initiatives for the year.


    SHRM Update - Susan

    The February SHRM update will be sent out soon.

    The SHRM Northeast Regional Student Conference will be held in University of Delaware from March 15-16, 2013.  There are great speakers set up for this conference.  Representatives from Wegmans and will be presenting.  Curtis Midkiff will be doing a presentation on Social Media.  There are a lot of great breakout sessions planned and the winners of the case competition will win a free trip to the SHRM Annual Conference.  Please promote this within the chapters.  The registration cost is $39.  The goal is to have 150-200 students and they currently have 40 students registered.  If you are interested in volunteering at this conference, please contact Susan. 

    The 2013 workbooks are available (see link above).  Everything for 2012 has been submitted.  Thanks to NH for meeting the deadlines!

    CLA calls have resumed as well as chapter by size calls.  Please see the SHRM February update or the SHRM website for details.

    Check out the Volunteer Leaders’ Resource Center (VLRC) area of the SHRM website.  There are a lot of great resources available.

    Also please go to SHRM Connect.  This allows people to share information and documents.

    She encouraged us to submit our 2013 State Conference information to SHRM so it can be promoted on the SHRM website.

    SHRM will now be sending out email bundles every 2 weeks.  It will combine several notices in each email.  Please be sure to review these emails for great information.


    Past Director – Debra

    No updates to report.


    Treasurer – Jennifer

    Please send 2013 budget items to Jenn.


    Treasurer’s Report for February 8, 2013

    Checking Account Balance


    Pay Pal Balance


    CD Balance  10 month - matures 6/7/13


    CD Balance  6 month - matures 3/17/13


    Total Balance




    Strategic HR Conference – 2012

    Strategic HR Conference - Grant


    Grant Received 12/31/2012




    SHRM National Donation

    SHRM National – received 12/11/2012




    Granite State HR Conference - 2012

    Projected Income – Email blasts


    Projected Income – Attendees (114 at-large attendees @ $15 each)


    Projected Income




    2012 Profit and Loss

    Total Revenue


    Total Expenses


    Total Profit




    2012 Checking Account Summary

    Beginning Balance – January 1, 2012


    Total Deposits


    Total Payments


    Ending Balance – December 31, 2012




    Membership – Debra and Anne

    Deb and Anne met to brainstorm as to what initiatives to focus on this year.  They have set up a conference call with Liz.  Since there are so many at large members, they are looking for ways to help all of the at large members. 


    North Country Chapter – Claire

    The HR North Chapter held their first event on January 30th at Attitash.  It was an Employment Law Update presented by Charla Stevens and Cameron Shilling.  50 people attended the event.  Charla and Cameron did a great presentation!  There are now 25 HR North members.  They plan to hold their next event in April which will be a Department of Labor event.


    Website – Amy

    Amy has been updating the website with all events.  Please contact Amy if you have anything that needs to be added.  If you have not done so already, go to the State Council website and join!


    We discussed issues regarding registering for the State Council website.  To register you have to click on a link regarding joining a local chapter.


    Legislative Action – Jim

    The Legislative Conference will be held on May 14th.  The conference will include a presentation by Mike Aitken, A-Team training (advocacy training for HR professionals), information regarding state and federal legislative processes (including a compare/contrast of MA and NH), and presentations covering a variety of subjects, including the Affordable Care Act.  There will be 3 tracks available which will include a tour of the State House, a meeting with a representative, and attending a hearing.  Jim hopes to have the agenda finalized in the next several weeks.


    We will be looking for sponsors and a Save the Date will go out soon.  There will be an option to sign up for both the Legislative Conference and GSHRC this year which includes a $20 discount.


    College Relations – Therese

    Therese had a conference call this week with the College Relations Chairs of the local chapters.  There is a lot going on.  SHRA is working with UNH to conduct mock interviews.  They are looking for volunteers to help with this program and others.  Monadnock has been working with career placement and academic advisors from Keene.  They are targeting business students and psychology students.  There is a program set for April 13th which is a statewide program being held at Plymouth State University.  They are looking to have an HR Genius Bar.


    Workforce Readiness – Laurie

    There will be a Career Day on March 27th.  Laurie is looking to get the word out through the State Council.  She will send an email to Charla to include in the next email blast.  Greater Merrimack Valley participated in a survey regarding skills gap.  They are waiting for results on this.  It was a workforce readiness skills survey.  Early feedback suggests low survey response across the country.  The results will help determine the readiness for State of NH.  SHRA continues to work with Robert Lister Academy.  They are also working with the Department of Employment Security.  They have formed a networking group for people in transition.  They are looking for HR professionals to present various topics to the groups.


    Diversity – John

    The Diversity Workforce Coalition was incorporated as 501c3 about a month or so ago.  They are working on the affiliation agreement between the State Council and the Diversity Workforce Coalition.  We will provide them with some seed money and the State Council will be listed on their materials as an affiliate.  We will work together on publicity of events and there will be a member of the State Council on their board and a member of the Diversity Workforce Coalition on the State Council.


    SHRM Foundation – Tim

    While we did miss 100% participation for SHRM Foundation donations for 2012, Tim encourages everyone to donate to the SHRM Foundation in 2013.  You are not expected to make 2 donations if you are on a chapter board and the State Council.  One donation will count toward both.


    Tim plans to purchase items for raffle baskets at the three conferences (GSHRC, Legislative, and Leadership) and he will sell raffle tickets at each event.  Everyone was in agreement that this was a big hit at the Leadership Conference.



    Charla and Silvia motioned to make an initial donation of $1,000 to the SHRM Foundation.  This was approved unanimously.


    HRCI – Mike

    Mike is reaching out the HRCI Chairs of the various chapters to coordinate with the local chapters.


    Social Media/Marketing – Joe

    He is getting a new phone and will be able to send out more tweets.  Be sure to get your event information to Joe, Amy, and Charla.


    GSHRC – Anne

    The GSHRC will be on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at the Radisson.  The theme will be HR Triathlon, People, Process, and Profitability.  Laurie Glaude is Co-President in 2013 with Anne and Laurie will take over as President in 2014.  Ryan Estis will be the keynote speaker and Bob Faw is the early bird presenter.  Most presenters are confirmed and almost all of the sponsorships are sold.  Attendee enrollment will be going live in the next week or so.  All programs have been approved for HRCI credits.  There are not as many Strategic credits this year.  There will be an option to sign up for the GSHRC and the Legislative Conference.  There will be a discount of $20 if you attend both.


    Deb Tuttle stated that there will be an email blast to get nominations for the HR Hero.  Please begin thinking about who you would like to nominate for the HR Hero award.


    They have finalized the budget for 2012 and the projected income for the State Council is $2,710.  This includes $1,000 for email blasts and $15 for each of the at-large attendees (114).  Anne is going to check on the status of this.


    ESGR Program – James

    No updates to report.


    Local Chapter Updates



    Amy Wright and Barbara Hecker are asking for assistance in promoting an event they are having.  It is a half-day seminar on April 10th in Keene.  Paula Booth will present regarding the Cost of Caring and Mike McCann will present on Strategic Development.  The program has been approved for HRCI credits.  The seminar is $25 and includes a breakfast buffet.  Amy and Barb will send the information to Amy Cann for the State Council website and to Joe to send out via social media.  Amy and Barb will send the registration link.


    Next meeting ~ Monday, March 25th

    Strategic Planning Meeting    4:00 – 6:00 pm

    Networking     6:00 – 7:30 pm



    Submitted, Jennifer A. Kinville, SPHR, Secretary/Treasurer