December 2013 Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
December 6, 2013 (8:07 am – 10:17 am)
Present – Charla Stevens, Silvia McCarron, Tim Dabrieo, John Roller, Joe Wentworth, Catharine Mirabile, Anne Vallette, Tina Sharby, Deborah Burkholder, Therese Gesel-Towne, Dave Wheel, Jennifer Kinville
Phone: Laurie Glaude, Claire Dunleavey, Kathy Nelson, Jim Reidy
Minutes: The minutes of the September meeting were voted on and approved unanimously. Anne made the motion to accept and Silvia seconded the motion.
Name |
Action Item |
Due Date |
All |
Review 2013 State Council Planning Workbook (link below) |
All |
Check your information on the State Council website to be sure it is accurate |
All |
Prepare for Strategic Meeting (see information below) |
All with Initiatives |
Prepare documentation for initiatives for the SHAPE Plan |
Amy Cann |
Work on website advertising proposals; Mike to provide information regarding MAHRA |
Chapter Presidents |
Send your member lists to Laurie Glaude for GSHRC Save the Date mailings |
Chapter Presidents |
Send a list of your Board Members including names, email addresses, and positions to John Roller and Amy Cann |
Chapter Presidents |
Send event information to Amy Cann to put on the website |
Director – Charla
Diversity Workforce Coalition (DWC)
The DWC began as a State Council initiative and is now a separate non-profit entity. They have accomplished a lot in the past year and are beginning to think about programs to offer their members. MAHRA has joined as a Founding Member and the DWC requested that the State Council join as a Founding Member which would include a $1,000 donation. The annual membership fee for regular members is $300. Founding Members receive recognition and visibility on the website and at events. The DWC is still working out the benefits of each member type. Kudos to the DWC team for what they have accomplished in the year.
The State Council has an Affiliate Agreement which outlines the relationship which is a separate category than a Founding Member. The State Council is an affiliate/partner of the DWC. Membership includes groups that have an interest in or commitment to diversity and is not limited to employers.
The discussion revolved around 2 issues including the amount of financial support and what to call it. It was determined that there will be a reference on the DWC website that it was a State Council initiative and that the State Council continues to be an affiliate of the DWC. A sub meeting will be set to coordinate websites and to ensure we are promoting the efforts of both groups and following the Affiliation Agreement.
Silvia proposed a donation of $1,000 to support the DWC. John Roller made the motion, Anne Vallette seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
Non-Profit Contribution
The State Council made contributions in the past to non-profit organizations including Camp Allen. Since our financial position is healthy, Silvia proposed to make a donation to a charity that would benefit the entire state.
Silvia proposed a donation of $1,000 to the NH Food Bank. Therese made the motion, Tim seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
There was further discussion regarding adopting a charity to work with throughout the year. There will be an exploratory meeting to do this which will include talking about an application process and the type of support (money/volunteer).
MAHRA and Concord both have done this. GSHRC has some experience with this, too. MAHRA supports the charity for a period of 2 years. It was also proposed to connect the charity with our Core Leadership Areas. This will be discussed during the Strategic Planning meeting as to how to incorporate this idea.
Schedule for 2014 Meetings
We agreed to continue alternating Monday afternoons and Friday mornings for 2014 meetings and the summer meeting will be a conference call. Our first meeting will be Monday, January 27 at 3:00 pm at McLane in Manchester. It will also include our strategic meeting. Silvia will send along proposed dates for the full year.
Charla has offered to continue to host the meetings at McLane. If you would like to host a meeting, please contact Silvia.
Strategic Meeting – January
In order to prepare for the Strategic Meeting, please think about where you feel the State Council could be in 5 years or 10 years and what direction we should take. Other items to consider is to review our mission statement (found in the footer of the meeting notes) to determine if it should be changed and the possibility of creating a vision statement.
Each member should think about their CLA and what is achievable. The VLRC portion of the SHRM website is a good resource for ideas.
Additional Board Members
The Bylaws are still being reviewed by SHRM. Once they are approved, we will be able to add to the State Council Board. There were discussions to have others join including a marketing professional and a Chief Executive Officer. We do require that all Board Members be SHRM Members. If this is not possible, they could join committees to assist. There were also discussions to have students get involved. Concord and Nashua both worked with students through College Relations to help with their websites. In addition, it was suggested to bring in professionals to assist with breakout sessions at the Leadership Conference.
Officer Voting
This was Charla’s last meeting at the Director of the State Council. Everyone thanked Charla for all her efforts over the past years!
Officers up for election for the next 2 year term of January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2015 are:
Silvia McCarron – Director
Jennifer Kinville – Secretary/Treasurer
Anne made the motion to elect Silvia and Jenn, Catharine seconded the motion, and they were approved unanimously.
Silvia shared her thoughts and thanked Charla and all of the prior State Council Directors. She is honored to be taking this role.
Strategic HR Conference
Bud Bernstein has notified us that we will be receiving a grant in the amount of $2,700 for our support of the conference and also a portion for each New Hampshire attendee.
SHRM Leadership Conference
The SHRM Leadership Conference was November 21-23 in Washington, DC. Several State Council members and Chapter leaders attended. Everyone came back with great ideas!
Silent Auction for SHRM Foundation
Thank you to the chapters for supporting the State Council with the silent auction donation at the SHRM Leadership Conference to benefit SHRM Foundation.
Director Elect - Silvia
SHAPE - Please review the 2013 State Council Planning Workbook as you think about your initiatives.
Silvia will connect with those of you with initiatives. The SHAPE requires a description of each initiative which includes a 200 word description. The State Council initiatives for 2013 include Membership, HRCI, Workforce Readiness, Chapter Liaison, and College Relations. The A Team for Legislative could also be an initiative.
We may be at Platinum Level, but not sure that we met the Membership goal and we may not have had 2 people attend the annual conference.
SHRM Update - Susan
Susan was promoted to Director of the Eastern Region. Congratulations to Susan! Our new contact will be Phyllis Shurn-Hannah.
Past Director – Debra
No updates to report.
Chapter Liaison – John
John has jumped into his new role and is beginning to define it. He has reached out to the chapter Presidents and is working to understand where each President is and what each of them wants their role to be. Some of them are not sure what the role of the State Council is and he is going to reach out to discuss the role of the State Council. Each of the Presidents has had different paths to get to their role as President. He wants to develop a guidebook or a manual which would include a list of requirements, bylaws, job descriptions, and helpful information. He is developing a Chapter Presidents Forum and they are looking to get together soon. It was suggested to have a new board orientation for new Presidents which would include information about the State Council and other resources available to them and also a welcome letter from the State Council Director. Mentoring from current/past board members was also suggested. One of the responsibilities of the Past Director is to be an advocate for the State Council. Charla will work with John on this beginning in January. John is also working to get the Chapter contacts on the website. If all the Chapter Presidents could send their board member information to Amy and John, that would be helpful.
John has sent short term objectives for Charla and Silvia to review. One of the objectives is to develop a Speakers Bureau. This was one of the topics discussed at the SHRM Leadership Conference. One state had a 5 point questionnaire and if speakers receive 4 or higher, they can be on the list. Silvia is expecting to get a copy of the questionnaire they use. It was also suggested to have information as to when and where the speaker presented most recently in order to contact someone from that chapter for further information.
Treasurer – Jennifer
The Treasurer Report was distributed for review.
Treasurer’s Report for December 6, 2013
Checking Account Balance |
$30,299.31 |
Pay Pal Balance |
$0.00 |
Total Balance |
$30,299.31 |
Granite State HR Conference
Profit Share - $15 per NH participant |
$2,500.00 |
Email Blasts |
$1,785.00 |
Legislative Conference Participants (in Legislative Conf budget) |
$2,925.00 |
Total Received from GSHRC |
$7,210.00 |
Workforce Readiness Event
Income – Sponsors |
$300.00 |
Expenses |
-$379.38 |
Net Cost |
$79.38 |
- Event was not designed as income generator and was in the budget.
Leadership Conference - 2013
Income – Sponsors |
$4,300.00 |
Income – Registrations |
$3,540.00 |
Total Income |
$7,840.00 |
Expenses |
-$4,148.95 |
Net Income |
$3,691.05 |
- 2012 Leadership Conference Net Income was $4,460.09.
SHRM Foundation Raffle Donation – SHRM Leadership
Tours de Sport – Ski & Stay Vacation Gift Certificate |
$700.00 |
Concord and SHRA Chapter Donations |
$200.00 |
Anticipated Chapter Donations (4 chapters) |
$400.00 |
Net Cost |
$100.00 |
Other Income Received Since September 27, 2013
PayPal Transfer for Legislative Conference (net of fees) |
$1,758.82 |
Website Advertising – CGI |
$500.00 |
Projected Income Through Year End
Strategic HR Conference Grant |
$2,700.00 |
SHRM National |
$2,000.00 |
Additional Chapter donations – Ski/Stay SHRM Foundation Raffle |
$400.00 |
Projected Income |
$5,100.00 |
Projected Expenses Through Year End
Diversity Workforce Coalition |
Non Profit Donation |
SHRM Leadership Conference Expenses |
Projected Expenses |
- Some items will be voted on at the December 6th meeting and expenses for the SHRM Leadership Conference will be settled.
- A final Treasurer’s Report will be sent out once year end numbers are finalized.
Membership – Debra and Anne
Debra was unable to join us for the meeting. Catharine will be joining Anne as Co-Chair of Membership in 2014 while Deb focuses on College Relations.
Anne and Catharine passed out an update regarding the objectives Deb and Anne worked on over the year. They are on track on the majority of their objectives. They are continuing their quarterly calls with the Membership chairs of the various chapters. Programming and reaching out to at-large members are a couple of topics they are focusing on.
There is approximately 1,400 New Hampshire SHRM Members and with about 900 of them being at-large members. They have created an Inner Circle and have sent out postcards to the at-large members. The postcards were approved by SHRM. At-large members can join the Inner Circle and the State Council can then email them at any time. Since SHRM has strict rules about reaching out to at-large members, this is a way to connect us to the at-large members.
They are planning to send out a notice in the middle of each month as to what is happening in New Hampshire. This would include State Council, Chapter, and DWC events.
Deb and Anne have worked closely with John Roller on their efforts.
They hope to have Yellow Pages on the Inner Circle where people could find someone in a particular specialty.
They are a little behind on the survey but it is in process. The goal is to find information about the 900 people who are not chapter members and determine what could be done to get them involved in chapters. One of the issues is that the programming does not always fit the needs of more senior HR professionals. It was suggested to try to personalize this a little more and reach out to a small group of people to get their thoughts.
In conjunction with this, Silvia discussed the Senior HR Group she has been working on forming. The group has met a couple of times and is designed for senior HR professionals to discuss strategic issues. SHRM’s CHRO initiative has not been as successful in New Hampshire, partially due to the company size requirements.
SHRM–HRPS: SHRM partnered with HR People and Strategy (HRPS). HRPS members are chief HR officers and other top executives. This alliance will better position both organizations to impact the practice of human resource management for business results globally and deliver high-quality programming and services to all HR professionals regardless of where they are in their careers.
There was discussion about mentoring. Some shared experiences of where it was successful and where it was not as successful. In one case, there were enough Sr members but not enough mentees interested. A suggestion was to have something more project based than career guidance.
Another way to potential attract senior HR professionals is instead of having monthly meetings, have fewer, more robust meetings. Many people attend the meetings for credits, but there are a lot of senior HR professionals without certifications. When they targeted large employers in NH, many of the top HR professionals are not certified; they do not have the time for it. The survey may help answer the question of how to meet the needs of such a large range of individuals – junior to senior HR professionals.
SHRM allows 8 emails to be sent per year. Instead of 2 per quarter, they may now be sent at any time throughout the year. The emails are not very personal. One suggestion was to reach out to 10 people personally.
HR North – Claire
HR North’s November meeting was Icky Sticky People presented by Susannah Chance at Leddy Group which was held at the Woodstock Inn. They are preparing for 2014 and have 27 HR North members. Their January meeting will be held at Attitash and the topic is onboarding.
Website – Amy
Amy was unable to join us for the meeting but has been working closely with Membership to update the website. She is working with each Chapter to gather information to add the CLA Directors from each chapter. Chapter Presidents – please send a list of your Board Members including their names, positions, and email addresses to Amy.
Thank you to CGI as our first website sponsor.
Legislative Action – Jim
Jim was unable to attend the Capitol Hill Visits at the SHRM Leadership Conference. Charla, Silvia, Catharine, Laurie, Kathy, Linda, and Jenn met with Kelly Ayotte and members of her team and also with members of Jeanne Shaheen’s staff and Carol Shea-Porter’s staff. Topics discussed included immigration reform, comp time, and tax savings for retirement plans.
A-Team Captains for the following Senators/Representatives:
Annie Kuster Team Captain - Joe Wentworth
Carol Shea-Porter Team Captain - Richard Murphy
Jeanne Shaheen Team Captain - Catharine Mirabile
Kelly Ayotte Team Captain - Charla Stevens
They were able to meet with all but one of the legislators’ staff in New Hampshire.
Jim shared that it will be an interesting legislative session with several bills that impact employment law including immigration reform (various bills) and working families flexibility act. While some are very specific, others are general in nature.
He will begin planning the Legislative Conference in early 2014 and will work on determining a date keeping in mind that the GSHRC is on April 29th. There is discussion about whether to have representatives from SHRM back again in 2014 and whether to have the conference before or after crossover date.
College Relations – Therese
After many years of service on the State Council Board in a variety of roles, Therese will be stepping down from the Board. She will remain on the committee after the end of the year when Deb takes over as the chair of College Relations.
Therese met with Jennifer Landon who works with the engineering program at UNH. They discussed how the State Council and chapters could support them.
One of the goals is to develop a list of speakers to talk with colleges and has identified some people who are interested. They intend to develop content so there is consistency in content and talking points.
Another initiative they working on is to increase internship programs and to find hosts for interns (paid and unpaid)
Therese continues to work with the NH College and University Council and attended a meeting where all 8 colleges and universities were represented. The job fair last year went very well and the goal is for the State Council to have a presence at next year’s job fair on April 2nd and possibly play a larger role depending on the need.
Therese serves on an advisory board with Franklin Pierce. They have a call scheduled for Monday which will focus on developing a list of speakers across the state. This includes developing content and talking points.
Stay Work Play NH
This is an organization designed to attract and retain young workers. Therese is in touch with Kate Luczko, the Executive Director.
Workforce Readiness – Laurie
The Workforce Readiness Workshop on October 16th was a huge success. Thank you to everyone for their participation.
Thanks to Laurie for her many years of service in this role and welcome Deborah Burkholder to this role! Laurie thanked everyone who was involved over the years and a special thanks to MAHRA for their work with Pinkerton Academy which was very successful.
Diversity – John
Tina Sharby is the new Diversity Workforce Coalition (DWC) representative on the State Council. She shared that the DWC has been working hard to sign up new members and plan to have approximately 4 meetings per year. If you have suggestions on meeting topics, please see Tina, John, or Jenn. It was suggested to look at the website for the topics discussed as the SHRM Diversity Conference.
SHRM Foundation – Tim
Tim encourages everyone to donate to the SHRM Foundation as part of our SHAPE Plan goals. There are still issues with reporting so Tim is unsure who has donated so far this year. Tim has been working with Mike Ressegue at SHRM regarding the reports and Susan is helping out with this. The State Council has donated $2,600 this year. Last year donations totaled $1,680.
If you have donated, please contact Tim. If you have not yet made a donation, please consider doing that before December 31st. The link to donate is There have also been some issues with online donations. The website also provides information if you would like to mail a check. If you make an individual donation, it applies to both your chapter and the State Council
Tim is also going to reach out to the chapters regarding their chapter donations since that reporting is showing only 2 of the chapters have made donations this year.Tim will be talking with the chapters to schedule time to go to chapter meetings to increase awareness of the SHRM Foundation.
HRCI – Mike
No updates to report.
Social Media/Marketing – Joe
Joe is compiling a list of social media accounts and is working with chapters on this. Each chapter has different social media accounts, including Linked In, Twitter, and/or Facebook. Once he gathers this information, there will be links to chapters sites and their social media links. The chapters all handle social media differently and is handled by different subgroups depending on the chapter.
Joe discussed using hashtags for events such as the Legislative Conference for attendees to communicate with each other.
GSHRC – Laurie
The GSHRC will be on April 29, 2014 and the theme for the conference is The Power of Talent. Save the date notices have gone out to some chapter members. Chapter Presidents who have not sent their membership lists to Laurie, please send them along and they will send out notices to your members.
They are right on task with speakers and sessions. All sponsorships have been filled but they are still looking for exhibitors.
Please consider nominating a worthy candidate for the HR Hero Award. See the website for additional details.
The GSHRC is meeting next week and will be discussing how to work more collaboratively with the State Council.
ESGR Program – James
Dave Wheel will be joining the State Council as the Military Liaison. We all thank Jim Goss for his service over the years!
There is an Army Guard Military Police Unit of approximately 110 coming back soon. Approximately 30 people will be looking for work. Many of them are in the 18-24 year age group which has a higher unemployment rate (10%) than other age groups. Several of them join the guard right after high school. They will be working with Great Bay Community College since they have a law enforcement program.
There is also a smaller Air Guard Unit of about 20 people returning after the first of the year. The number looking for work should be small, but he will keep us informed.
Dave will work with Amy to keep information about resources the ESGR provides. Please visit and click on their Events and Resources tab for more information.
Local Chapter Updates
No updates to report.
Next meeting ~ Monday, January 27, 2014 ~ 3:00 – 6:00 pm ~ Includes Strategic Meeting
McLane in Manchester, NH
2014 HR State Council of NH Meetings
Held at McLane; See Silvia if you would like to host a meeting.
Friday, March 21, 2014 ~ 8:00 – 10:00 am
Monday, May 19, 2014 ~ 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Friday, July 25, 2014 ~ 8:00 – 10:00 am (conference call)
Monday, September 29, 2014 ~ 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Friday, December 5, 2014 ~ 8:00 – 10:00 am
Submitted, Jennifer Kinville, SPHR, Secretary/Treasurer