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Pinkerton Academy Career Fair

    April 13, 2017


    Pinkerton Academy is holding a Career Fair on April 13th.  The Career Fair is open for Pinkerton students from 11:30 am to 12:45 pm and then open to the general public at 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm.  The Career Fair will consist of hiring vendors and resume review and interviewing skills workshops both presented by the Manchester Human Resources Association (MAHRA, ).  Companies looking to register for the event should contact Mr. Doug Cullen, Manager of Career Services ( or 603.437.5200 ext. 1141 to reserve a booth. 


    We encourage ALL CAREER FAIR attendees to come to the Southern N.H. College Fair in the Hackler Gymnasium starting at 6:00 pm.  Meet over 100 colleges, attend workshops on best practices in planning financial aid for college, obtain information about leading GAP Year vendors, or understand how to articulate from New Hampshire’s community colleges to our university system in simple, easy steps.


    Snap-shot of companies attending Pinkerton’s Career Fair:

    • PICA Manufacturing
    • Easter Seals
    • Methuen Construction
    • Leddy Group
    • U.S. Army Recruiting
    • Campus Feedback