2015 SHRM Certification SHRM-CP & SHRM-SCP
On the behalf of the State Director of the HR State council of NH, Mike Klyop
SHRM has indicated a great start for those choosing to complete the SHRM Certification Pathway. As of mid-January 2015, 14,000 SHRM Members have begun the process of completing their Pathway to the new SHRM Certifications and 7,000 SHRM members have already done so!
We encourage all New Hampshire SHRM Members to take advantage and complete your SHRM Pathway this year! In addition, new SHRM Learning System materials have begun distribution for those interested in completing their SHRM Certification for the first time! Speaking of completing your SHRM Certification this year, the HR State Council of NH, has received several applications for our 2-$600 scholarships and we can’t want to let you know who has been selected!
Sign-up and complete your SHRM Certification Pathway now!!! www.shrmcertification.org