Workforce Readiness & College Relations Overview - "Committed to Success!"
June 9, 2014
We are building partnerships and are interested in building resources for internships, job shadowing and mentors!
Please see the PDF file below for an overview of our services and programs.
If you are company offers or is willing to offer any one of these types of opportunities, please contact Deb Tuttle at, or (603) 682-9971, or Deborah Burkholder at, or (617) 302-7742.
Here are our upcoming program needs....Please let us know if you are in interested in participating.
Friday, June 27, 9-1
In-service for NH Works Partners* (NH Works Interagency Directors Group)
NH Department of Education, 21 South Fruit Street, Room 100, Concord, NH
Proposed Agenda
- What employers want
- HR Panel: How to get seen if you have no experience (or have done jail time)
- Helping students find their stories (including importance of getting experience – internships, volunteering, etc)
- Online Applications
- Assessments
- Resume basics
- Cover letters
Partners Sending Attendees
- NH Employment Security: 1-2
- Community Action: 6
- Vocational Rehabilitation: 5-10
- WorkReadyNH: 5
- WIA Youth: 5-10
- DFA State Office: 3
NEED: HR panelists from companies hiring entry level/inexperienced workers or candidates with jail time (panel time: 9:30-10:30)