Congratulations to Paul Wilson, our 2013 HR Hero Award Winner!
Congratulations to Paul Wilson, our 2013 HR Hero Award Winner!
From Hero Award presenter, 2012 Hero Award recipient Deb Tuttle:
“I’m honored to present the 2013 HR Hero award on behalf of the Granite State HR Conference Board. The HR Hero Committee wishes to thank all of you that submitted entries for this award. There is no greater honor that can be bestowed upon a Human Resource Professional than one received from their peers.
HR’s strategic partner role is pivotal to our employers and employees given a world of change being driven by rapid technology deployment, Healthcare reform, a multi-generational workforce as well as tragic events throughout the world.
As HR professionals we have four major roles; Strategic Partner, Change Agent, Administrative Expert, and Employee Relations Expert. Add to that the role of being a business owner, and you wear many, many hats!
Our 2013 HR Hero is such a person of many roles. They have been a leader in their business, their Chapter (who by the way nominated this individual) as well as the Granite State Human Resource Conference. He consistently was driven to reach full potential!
I’ve known this individual and collaborated with him for 12 years. I consider him to be up for the dare anytime to find a recommended restaurant (via the Metro in Washington DC) while bringing our spouses along. We can call each other anytime and get information.
He held the position as President of the Human Resources Association of Greater Concord back in 2009 & was Past-President of the Granite State Human Resources Conference, and the New Hampshire Staffing Association. He is also active officer and Board of Director of A.C.C.E.S.S. a non-profit organization serving individuals with disabilities. He volunteers for and supports the Capital Region Food Program, the New Hampshire Food Bank, Friends Program, New Journey Program and the Concord-Merrimack County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
I want to share a paragraph from his nomination.
‘Paul is an individual whose words, actions, and deeds demonstrate his commitment to promoting and advancing the HR profession. He uses and makes available all his personal and professional resources to support these efforts. Paul is an unsung hero, one who believes in the transformational approach and is not concerned with getting something in return. He truly is deserving of this recognition.’”