May 2013 Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
May 31, 2013 (8:11 am – 10:06 am)
Present: Charla Stevens, Silvia McCarron, Mike Klyop, Tim Dabrieo, John Wilson, Therese Gesel-
Towne, Debra Tuttle, Jim Reidy, Amy Cann, Dawn Barker, Jennifer Kinville
Phone: Susan Post, Anne Vallette, Barbara Hecker, Claire Dunleavy, Jim Goss
Guest: Ray Garon (Manchester Radio Group)
Minutes: The minutes of the March meeting were voted on and approved unanimously. Silvia made the mtion to accept and Tim seconded the motion.
Name Action Item Due Date
All Review 2013 State Council Planning Workbook (link below)
All See Charla if you’re interested in being on the committee for he Leadership Conference
All Check your information on the State Council website to be sure it is accurate July 29th
All If you would be interested in assisting College Relations by presenting at a local college, please see Therese.
Chapter Presidents: Send updated Board information to the State Council; include name, Board position, and email address July 29th
Charla Update By-Laws and send to Susan for SHRM approval
Silvia Research SHRM’s potential discount for Directors and Officers Liability Insurance; purchase insurance
Director – Charla
Ray Garon – Manchester Radio Group. Ray Garon joined us for a portion of our meeting. He recently joined SHRM and MAHRA. He wants to work mutually with the State Council. He explained that the Manchester Radio Group is a way to reach passive job seekers where and are aimed at active job seekers. They have hired Chris Stonick who has written articles, including one for HR Magazine. Chris does presentations that are sometimes approved for HRCI credits. The topics revolve around why companies should use radio in their recruitment efforts. Ray is going to provide more information on the educational portion of the presentations.
Manchester Radio Group has four radio stations including WZID, the Mill, WFEA, and Hot Hits. The stations reach wide coverage areas. He is hoping to work together with the State Council where they will promote the State Council events on all four stations which could increase the attendees at events and also increase the profile of the State Council. In exchange, Manchester Radio Group would get exposure to our members, including options such as a banner on our website and as a table space at our events. The proposal is for a free exchange of services. Ray is open to buying space on our website. When asked, Ray was open to the idea of offering a discount to our members.
After Ray left, we discussed that this would reach many individuals, including SHRM At Large members and others involved in the field of human resources. This may have been a great place to promote the Legislative Conference. Ray will provide more information on the education portion of their seminars before a proposal is made to the State Council for a vote.
2013 SHRM Conferences
Please encourage local chapters to share the SHRM Conference information with their members.
SHRM Annual Conference - This conference is June 16-19 in Chicago, IL.
SHRM Leadership Conference - This conference is November 21-23 in Washington, DC.
State Council Leadership Conference - The Leadership Conference will be on September 17th at Northeast Delta Dental. Lisa Horn from SHRM will do a presentation on workplace flexibility titled “When 9 to 5 Goes Bust”. Charla saw her present it in Maine and it was great. The presentation has been approved for strategic credits. Lisa will also moderate a panel of representatives from various companies. We are looking at having someone from the work and family task force and also plan to reinforce A-Team. This event is still in the early planning stages and if you would like to join the committee, please see Charla, Silvia, Amy or Jenn.
Strategic HR Conference - The conference will take place at the Mount Washington Hotel October 27-29. The rate for State Council members, SHRM chapter leaders, and returning attendees is $725. Overnight accommodations at the Omni Mount Washington Hotel are $184/night. Please visit for more information.
Succession Planning - Many of the members expressed interest in returning for additional two year terms. Others are on offyears with one year remaining in their current terms. Jim Goss, Laurie Glaude, and Therese Gesel-Towne are working on succession planning for the Military Liaison, Workforce Readiness, and College Relations positions.
Strategic Planning - John Roller compiled the information from our strategic planning session. The information on succession planning and the initiatives was distributed for review.
State Council Board Votes - We discussed several items which are outlined below and were voted on.
By-Laws Amendment - The revised By-Laws were distributed for review. The State Council Governing Body will be comprised of not more than 28 members, which was increased from 18. This will allow us to add additional members as needed to assist with projects and initiatives. The term limit for the Secretary/Treasurer has been removed. Charla will update V.D.4. The number of meetings changed from at least three to at least six per year. Once approved by the State Council, the By-Laws must be submitted to SHRM for review. Vote: Approve all changes to By-Laws as stated above.
Reimbursement for Maine State Conference - Charla attended the Maine conference. The registration for the conference was complimentarily. The budget did not include travel expenses for this conference. Charla is requesting reimbursement for her hotel stay which was approximately $150. Vote: Reimburse Charla for her hotel stay.
Diversity Workforce Coalition Alliance Agreement - The Alliance Agreement between the DWC and the State Council was distributed for review. The DWC Board of Directors unanimously approved it. SHRM’s counsel reviewed and provided comments and suggestions. The highlights of the agreement is that both parties are affiliates of one another and will promote both parties events. There will be a member of the State Council on the DWC Board and vice versa. It is a very mutual and open agreement. Special thanks to John and his diversity team, including Therese, who serves on both Boards. Vote: Approve the Alliance Agreement with the DWC.
Directors and Officers Liability Insurance - Silvia worked on a proposal to obtain Directors and Officers Liability Insurance. The proposal from Davis & Towle Insurance Group was distributed for review. The cost for $500,000 limit of liability is $562 per year. The cost for $1,000,000 limit of liability is $688 per year. During discussion, it was determined to go with $1,000,000 limit of liability due to the limits on many personal umbrella policies. We may be able to get a SHRM discount for this type of insurance. Silvia will check on the price. Vote: Purchase D&O insurance with $1,000,000 limit of liability for $688 per year or less.
SHRM Foundation Donation – Joe Wirtz - We discussed making a SHRM Foundation Donation in honor of Joe Wirtz who passed away. Joe was the first Director of the HR State Council of NH. We also discussed having a scholarship in his name. Please refer to HRCI below. Vote: Make a SHRM Foundation donation of $500 in honor of Joe Wirtz.
Budget Amendments:
Workforce Readiness - Laurie Glaude would like to plan a few events for the Workforce Readiness initiatives. This would consist of room rental costs and refreshments. They will be looking for sponsors to pay for food. The initiatives include holding events for Manchester High School students, similar to what has been done at Pinkerton Academy. There is a tentative date of October 16th where they will help students prepare for interviews and write their resumes. They have shifted their focus to these types of events instead of working on the video that was previously discussed. Vote: Approve $300 budget for Workforce Readiness for room rentals and refreshments.
HRCI - Mike proposed a budget of $3,000 to provide scholarships and for marketing materials to promote HRCI designations and the SHRM Assurance of Learning. Scholarships would cover the cost of prep courses, study materials, exam costs, etc. During the discussion, it was decided that two $600 scholarships would be awarded each year, one of which will be in the name of Joe Wirtz. An application will be created and criteria set to decide the winners. Any scholarships not awarded due to lack of qualified applicants, will roll to the following year. Some of the marketing materials would be used to work with chapters and also to congratulate members who earn their PHR/SPHR.
A related discussion of HR professionals in transition was discussed. SHRM offers to continue their membership for one year at no cost. Many chapters do offer free membership and reduced meeting fees. The volunteers at the GSHRC are HR professionals in transition. Vote: Approve $2,000 for HRCI for 2013 which includes two $600 scholarships, one of which will be in the name of Joe Wirtz.
Membership - Deb and Anne plan to do a survey with At Large membership to see how to serve them better, work on having a tighter connection with At Large and chapter members, and also assist the chapters with their programming needs. They would also like to buy a succession planning guide which would help both the State Council and chapters to recruit for their future Boards. Deb and Anne also worked with Mike because they understand that getting certified is pretty expensive and they were hoping to work together with both At Large and chapter members to set up scholarships. Vote: Approve $1,200 for Membership to use for the items outlined above.
Vote: Silvia made a motion to approve all votes. Tim seconded the motion. All approved these unanimously.
Director Elect - Silvia
SHAPE - Please review the 2013 State Council Planning Workbook as you think about your initiatives
for the year.
SHRM Update - Susan - The SHRM June update will be coming out soon which will include additional information and links.
- The SHRM Annual Conference is June 16-19 in Chicago. There will be a volunteer leader briefing on Sunday morning at 10:00 am. Invitations have been sent to those who are in their database and are registered. A leaders lounge will be available. They will be continuing CLA calls. Please refer to the SHRM June update for details.
- The SHRM Leadership Conference is November 21-23 in Washington, DC.
- The Volunteer Leader Resource Center (VLRC) always includes great information. Please visit the
VLRC section on the SHRM website.
- Information regarding the Pinnacle Awards program is included.
- Happy 65th Birthday to SHRM! Please sign the giant birthday card to SHRM. This is a great way to
celebrate SHRM’s 65 years and also the great volunteers.
Past Director – Debra - No updates to report.
Treasurer – Jennifer - The Treasurer Report was distributed for review. After researching CD rates, it was determined to cash out the CD that is maturing on June 7th and deposit the money in our Checking Account. In 2012, the State Council earned just over $6 in interest on this CD. The rates have decreased from 0.35% to 0.20% for the same term.
Treasurer’s Report for May 31, 2013
Checking Account Balance $18,815.12
Pay Pal Balance $0.00
CD Balance 10 month - matures 6/7/13 $1,757.18
CD Balance 6 month - matures 9/17/13 $2,705.84
Total Balance $23,278.14
Legislative Conference
Income – Sponsors $3,800.00
Income – Chapters (including Speaker Fee) $2,334.00
Income – Registrations $5,105.00
Total Income $11,239.00
Expenses -$5,277.03
Net Income $5,961.97
2012 Legislative Conference Net Income was $5,144.09
Legislative Conference – Accounts Receivable
Granite State HR Conference $2,925.00
Chapter (MAHRA) – 1/3 Speaker Fees for Mike Aitken $267.00
SHRM Foundation Donations
SHRM Foundation Raffle and 50/50 – GSHRC; Donation $280.00
SHRM Foundation Raffle – Legislative Conference; Donation $280.00
SHRM Foundation Raffle Expenses -$208.70
Other Transactions since March 25, 2013
Chapter Donation – MAHRA $500.00
P.O. Box Renewal -$118.00
Tax Filing Fees -$79.90
Strategic Conference Registrations (Dunleavy, Kinville, Klyop) -$2,175.00
CD Renewal
10 month CD will mature on June 7th
Current Balance $1,757.18
Current Rate 0.35%
Renewal Rate – 10 month CD 0.20%
Plan to cash out and deposit into the Checking Account
Membership – Debra and Anne - Deb and Anne were waiting for budget approval to get moving on a couple of their initiatives. They have scheduled quarterly conference calls with the chapter membership chairs. The member report is shared with the chapter chairs. Anne is working on compiling program information which will include information on the programs and presenters from previous meetings. This information will be shared with the chapters to assist with their program planning.
North Country Chapter – Claire - Claire was pleased with their second event which included presentations by Michele Small from the Department of Labor and Jennifer Moeckel, an employment attorney. The event was not as well attended as she initially expected due to the Department of Labor scheduling free seminars in the area. 36 people attended the meeting. Their next meeting will be in September with Jim Reidy presenting. Claire is in the process of starting up their membership drive and thanked Deb and Anne for the quarterly membership calls.
Website – Amy - Amy has been making updates to the website and has changed the homepage picture. She looked into the regulations regarding banner ads and after discussions with SHRM, she found out that there is no regulation on what you can charge or who may purchase banner space. To help guide us in determining what to charge for banner ads on our website, she researched the different state websites to see what they do and how much they charge and it varies greatly. We discussed options and Mike shared that MAHRA charges $300 for two months of advertising on the website. Some do annual packages for sponsorships which lists what is available for the full year. The website may be customized to include pictures. Many Boards have pictures and bios of their members. Job postings are on the site and may be linked to another spot. Please check your information on the website and send any updates to Amy. For more information, including screen shots, please refer to Amy’s CLA update report.
Legislative Action – Jim - The Legislative Conference was held on May 14. Over 70 people attended and reviews have been positive. Our net income on this conference was almost $6,000. Thanks to the team including Charla and Rachel O’Neil. Thanks to Deb Tuttle for her assistance with the HRCI redits. Attendees earned 6.5 strategic credits. Mike Aitken’s presentation was great and tied in well with the panel discussion. It worked well to include information from Massachusetts since some members of the local chapters work in Massachusetts. The legislative hearings took place in the morning but there were very productive conversations with the legislators. Jim suggested that next year we should include the legislators to join us for lunch. One of the representatives that we talked with recommended having this event before bills crossover from the House to the Senate and vice versa.
There was a lot of interest in the advocacy team and there are two new captains, including Catharine Mirabile. The advocacy team encourages HR professional be active in the legislative process. Some chapters are encouraging their past presidents to serve in an advocacy role. The New Hampshire Legislature is working on bill that were distributed at the Legislative Conference, including many Workers Compensation bills. There is progress on the comp time bill which many see would be a positive development for employers. The bill to no longer require paper checks failed.
College Relations – Therese - The two recent events were the Student conference at Plymouth State University and a job fair put on by the College and University Council. Therese was planning to hold a reception for college students but after discussing it with Carol Gravel at Franklin Pierce University, she is rethinking what she would like to do to engage college students. Therese is looking recruit HR professionals to present at the schools. Amy is willing to present. Please see Therese if you are interested. She is working on succession planning for her role.
Workforce Readiness – Laurie - The Workforce Readiness budget proposal and plans are listed above.
Diversity – John - John thanked everyone for their vote to approve the Alliance Agreement with the Diversity Workforce Coalition (DWC). They are making progress and are busy with membership activities and webpage development. The Board is in place and they are looking for people to assist on committees. They are targeting September or October for their first meeting. He is interested in working with the chapters to bring the diversity chairs together and also would like to speak at the meetings to get exposure for the DWC. Companies will be able to join for approximately $300 per year.
SHRM Foundation – Tim - We are well ahead of fundraising this year compared to 2012. The State Council has donated $1,000 to the SHRM Foundation. An additional $560 was raised this year at the GSHRC and Legislative Conference. Tim encourages everyone to donate to the SHRM Foundation as part of our SHAPE Plan goals. Tim has been working with Mike Ressegue at SHRM regarding the reports. It is very difficult to determine who has donated. Susan is going to look into this for Tim. For more information, please refer to Tim’s CLA update report. The link to donate is
HRCI – Mike - Mike is working with the chapter HRCI chairs and has a good group now. As Boards urnover, Mike would like to receive information on the new chair. We discussed that the Presidents hould send updates on their Board when they change on July 1st. He will have a conference call or eminar about how to apply for credits and how to get strategic credits. Susan shared that there is a recorded webinar regarding this in the VLRC section of the SHRM website.
Social Media/Marketing – Joe - No updates to report.