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September 2013 Meeting Minutes

    Board of Directors Meeting

    September 27, 2013 (8:05 am – 10:15 am)

    Present – Silvia McCarron, Tim Dabrieo, Amy Cann, Jim Goss, Joe Wentworth, Kathy Nelson, Claire

    Dunleavy, Mike Klyop, John Wilson, John Roller, Deb Tuttle, Therese Gesel-Towne, Jennifer Kinville

    Phone: Charla Stevens, Anne Vallette, Laurie Glaude, Debra Paul, Barbara Hecker, Catharine Mirabile,

    Kris Avery, Amy Wright

    Minutes: The minutes of the July meeting were voted on and approved unanimously. Tim made the

    motion to accept and Debra seconded the motion.

    Name Action Item Due Date

    All Review 2013 State Council Planning Workbook (link below) Dec 6th

    All Check your information on the State Council website to be sure it is accurate Dec 6th

    All Send suggestions for the Leadership Conference to Charla/Silvia Dec 6th

    All Send Charla an email if you are attending the SHRM Leadership Conference; she will try to arrange a NH get together Nov 8th

    All Please see Jim or one of the Advocacy Captains if you are interested in volunteering for an A-Team Dec 6th

    All Please see Therese if you are interested in volunteering to speak at a college or university Dec 6th

    Amy Cann Work on website advertising proposals; Mike to provide information regarding MAHRA Dec 6th

    Chapter Presidents Send information for display at the Strategic Conference to Charla, Silvia, or Jenn Oct 23rd

    Chapter Presidents

    Send Charla and Jenn an email if your Chapter agrees to donate $100 toward the SHRM Foundation raffle; include information if you would like an invoice sent Nov 8th

    Chapter Presidents Send a list of your Board Members including names, email addresses, and positions to Amy Cann for the website Nov 1st Chapter Presidents Send event information to Amy Cann to put on the website Dec 6th

    Charla Stevens Send out Leadership Conference evaluation information Dec 6th

    Susan Post Provide guidance on the “Join Us” section of the website Dec 6th

    Director – Charla

    State Council Positions

    We welcome John Roller to the State Council as the Chapter Liaison. His role will be to help support the chapters and build relationships with them. Welcome, John! Catharine Mirabile will be co-chairing membership with Anne Vallette. Deb Tuttle will be taking over College Relations. Thank you to both Catharine and Deb!

    Leadership Conference

    The Leadership Conference was a great success! We had some new sponsors this time around who were

    really engaged. Congratulations to Mike Klyop for being awarded the Volunteer of the Year! Also a

    special award was presented to Therese Gesel-Towne for her many years for dedicated service. Thank

    you, Therese!

    There were a lot of evaluations completed and Charla will send a summary out. Some of the items discussed in the evaluations were it was tough sitting in one place for so long, the interaction and moving around was well received, the speakers received great comments, and the panel was very popular as people enjoyed hearing from their peers. Moira had some mixed comments, her topic was lost on some people, and her presentation was a bit sedate for right after lunch. We discussed feedback on the call where people shared that the panel was great, it was difficult to sit for such a long time, the variety of topics was good, one person specifically mentioned that they came away with something from the engagement presentation and has used it at work, and there was not a lot of time for networking or time to interact with people from other chapters. Requests for feedback on dates were sent out based on Lisa Horn’s availability, but no feedback was provided. Timing was an issue this year for many due to the Concord/MAHRA joint meeting. While we have been pleased with the facility and appreciate Northeast Delta Dental’s hospitality, we seem to be outgrowing the venue. There was not a lot of space to move around and was difficult during lunch. Traditionally we have alternated each year including a portion for the core leadership areas. We are looking ahead to next year and the possibility of a Tri-State Leadership Conference. Charla attended the Maine conference where they tie leadership in. At the Strategic Conference, there is a meeting for New England Leaders and the possibility of a joint conference will be discussed. Please share feedback and suggestions with Charla/Silvia. It was suggested to possibly have 2 half day conferences. One would focus on leadership and the other would focus on SHRM resources for our volunteer leaders. Certification for the conference is in process. They contacted Deb yesterday to notify her that they were unable to open her attachment.

    Meals Expenses

    We discussed the issue of meals expenses for required travel. Many of the SHRM conference registration fees are paid for by SHRM. When travelling to required SHRM conferences, the State Council reimburses for travel expenses for airfare, mileage, hotel, and transportation (ex. parking and shuttles). While some food is provided at conferences, there has not been a policy to be reimbursed for meals. Silvia proposed allowing State Council members who are required to attend SHRM conferences be reimbursed for meals up to $25 per day with receipts. We further discussed the amount which many did not feel was enough. The Meals and Incidental Expenses Breakdown on lists the daily meals and incidental expenses by region which ranges from $46-$71 per day. For example, $46 includes $7 for breakfast, $11 for lunch, $23 for dinner, and $5 for incidentals; first and last day of travel is $34.50. Daily rates for NH cities are as follows: Concord $51, Manchester $56, and Portsmouth $61. Washington, DC’s rate is $71 per day.

    Vote: Allow reimbursement for reasonable food and expenses not to exceed the federal GSA limits for those required to travel to SHRM conferences. Amy made a motion, Tim seconded the motion. This was approved unanimously.

    Strategic HR Conference

    The conference will take place at the Mount Washington Hotel October 27-29. The rate for State Council members, SHRM chapter leaders, and returning attendees is $725. Overnight accommodations at the Omni Mount Washington Hotel are $184/night. Please visit for more information. There will be a meeting with New England chapter leaders on Sunday morning at 9:00 am before the conference begins. Discussions will include how the states can work together and the possibility of a Tri- State Leadership Conference. There is a table available for the State Council. If you would like to send information to display on the table, please see Charla, Silvia, or Jenn.

    SHRM Leadership Conference

    The SHRM Leadership Conference is November 21-23 in Washington, DC. Several State Council members are attending. Please send Charla an email if you are attending. She will try to arrange a New Hampshire get together.

    Silent Auction for SHRM Foundation

    There is a silent auction at the SHRM Leadership Conference to benefit SHRM Foundation. In prior years, we have donated a ski weekend with the help of the Chapters. We are looking to do that again and are asking each Chapter to participate again by committing to $100 for this cause. Last year we had 100% participation which we really appreciate. Some chapters are meeting soon and will vote at their board meetings. We would ask that the Chapter Presidents confirm their participation by emailing Charla or Silvia by October 20th. Jenn will send an invoice to each chapter participating.

    Director Elect - Silvia

    Department of Education

    Silvia is currently serving on the Board of the Youth Council and they are looking for our assistance to spread the word regarding a new certification in process for high school equivalency. The HiSET will be the new high school equivalency test replacing the GED. This will be used in NH and other states are evaluating it. They are asking us to spread the word and also to update our applications if it references GED. Any reference to a requirement of a high school diploma or GED should be changed to high school diploma or equivalent. Silvia will provide additional information about the new certification.

    WorkReady NH Certification

    NH has adopted the WorkReady certification. It is a testing program administered through ACT which is national. It specifically tests candidates for hard skills. Community colleges provide training and certification on the soft skills. With this program, employers can contact NHES and they can tell what type of certification your job would require – example a bronze certified individual. They are hoping we can spread this word about this program and would be happy to attend chapter meetings to discuss the program. Companies who are using this certification in their hiring process are encouraged to share the information with others. It is a program that is recognized nationally and there are many individuals being certified. Unfortunately, a lot of employers do not know about the program and are not utilizing it in their recruiting efforts. Please visit for additional information.


    SHAPE - Please review the 2013 State Council Planning Workbook as you think about your initiatives.

    SHRM Update - Susan

    The SHRM Leadership Conference is November 21-23 in Washington, DC. Registration is open and will close at the end of October. The Leadership Conference is designed to give key volunteers the opportunity to gain information about their volunteer leader role and how to make your chapter or state council successful. For eligibility requirements, conference registration and hotel reservation information, go to

    Happy 65th Birthday to SHRM! Please sign the giant birthday card to SHRM. This is a great way to celebrate SHRM’s 65 years and also the great volunteers. Charla will be receiving a pre-paid envelope to send the card back.

    Year-end reports for SHAPE are now posted on the VLRC (Volunteer Leader Resource Center). The 2014 workbook is being finalized and should be available in October. Please refer to the SHRM September update for additional details and information.

    Membership Advisory Council (MAC) – Kris Avery

    Kris Avery joined the call. She is one of the 5 MAC representatives across the country and she serves the Northeast region. The MAC reps are volunteers responsible for gathering information and delivering them to the Boards – SHRM, SHRM Foundation, and HRCI. Information is collected by talking to members, chapters, and state councils. MAC also conducts surveys to solicit feedback. MAC conducted a survey in April. 171 participants from the Northeast region responded, including 19 from NH. There were a total of 1,239 participants and 75% have been in the HR profession for 10+years. The findings were presented in June at the annual conference. They were receptive to feedback and have requested additional information. The current survey closes today and the results will be presented to the Boards in November. Please take time to respond using the link in Charla’s email.

    Survey Results:

    Global Strategy - 91% understand the SHRM global strategy. Some feel that SHRM may be losing focus on the US due to their global strategy. 40% of participants work in global companies.Serving HR Professionals - SHRM had a campaign of Advance the Profession (ATP) and Serve the Professional (STP). Many want this reactivated. It would be helpful to communicate the value of HR so that companies of all sizes understand what HR does and the value of certifications. Membership - Some are struggling with the SHRM membership growth goals and the SHRM affiliation requirements. Many do believe in SHRM. HRCI - Recommendations were made for process improvements to certification and recertification including allowing credits to roll over, change the certification period from 3 to 5 years, have more testing windows (currently it is May-June and December-January), and grant those with 25+ years with lifetime certification. They seemed very open to many of these recommendations. SHRM Foundation - 95% are pleased and proud of what SHRM Foundation does. Some did not like that they are being marketed to even if they have already made a donation. Participants would like to see more grants and scholarships and more education to members as to what they do. Skills Gap - This is still an issue across the country, primarily in the trade areas (manufacturing, etc.). Service SHRM Members - The main reason members join SHRM is for professional development. SHRM provides resources and tools for HR professionals. Participants view resources relating to employment law as very critical and utilize resources on talent retention and employee engagement. Many would like to see an expansion of technology and to discontinue SHRM Connect. SHRM Board - They discussed how to better communicate with members and how many emails should be sent. Dues - All participants are in agreement to not raise the dues.

    Past Director – Debra

    No updates to report.

    Treasurer – Jennifer

    The Treasurer Report was distributed for review.

    Treasurer’s Report for September 27, 2013

    Checking Account Balance $24,079.10

    Pay Pal Balance $1,215.66

    Total Balance $25,294.76

    CD in the amount of $2,709.03 was redeemed; interest rate to renew was 0.20%.

    PayPal Balance will be deposited in the Checking Account once all payments from the

    Leadership Conference have been received.

    Legislative Conference – 2013 Final (Revised)

    Income – Sponsors $3,800.00

    Income – Chapters (including Speaker Fee) $2,742.00

    Income – Registrations $5,105.00

    Total Income $11,647.00

    Expenses -$5,890.96

    Net Income $5,756.04

    Revised – Mike Aitken travel expenses $613.93; split with MAHRA and Concord.

    2012 Legislative Conference Net Income was $5,144.09

    Legislative Conference – Accounts Receivable

    Granite State HR Conference $2,925.00

    Leadership Conference - 2013

    Income – Sponsors $4,300.00

    Income – Registrations $3,600.00

    Total Income $7,900.00

    Expenses -$4,019.35

    Net Income $3,880.65

    Moira Garvey’s speaker fees and travel (estimated) have not been paid.

    2012 Leadership Conference Net Income was $4,460.09.

    Leadership Conference – Accounts Receivable

    Income – Sponsor $500.00

    Income – Registrations $360.00

    SHRM Foundation Donations

    SHRM Foundation Donation; In lieu of speaker fees – Lisa Horn $500.00

    SHRM Foundation Raffle – Leadership Conference; Donation $345.00

    SHRM Foundation Raffle Expenses -$111.31

    Other Transactions since July 29, 2013

    SHRM Leadership Airfare (Stevens, McCarron, Kinville) -$365.60

    SHRM Leadership Registration (Kinville) -$450.00

    Workforce Readiness October Event – room rental -$80.00

    Workforce Readiness October Event - sponsors $225.00

    Connecticut HR Council Webinar $181.92

    State Council Departing Directors Gifts -$132.00

    Davis & Towle – D&O Insurance -$688.00

    CD redeemed $2,709.03

    State of NH – Trade Name Renewal -$50.00

    State of NH – Addition/Withdrawal of Members (Trade Name) -$20.00

    Trade Name Renewal is required every 5 years.

    Membership – Debra and Anne

    Deb and Anne are continuing their quarterly conference calls with the Membership Chairs at the various chapters. The next call is in December. The SHRM At Large list shows an increase but the chapter membership is down. The At Large list could give opportunities for the chapters to ncrease membership. They are also encouraging chapters to have the SHRM designation forms at their chapter meetings. Anne is working on compiling program information and feedback on speakers which will include information on the programs and presenters from previous meetings. This information will e shared with the chapters to assist with their program planning. There is some available on the website ow and more will be included. We discussed that the information would be available to those who have logins for the State Council website.

    HR North – Claire

    HR North had 26 attendees at their meeting on September 25th at Waterville Valley. Thanks to Jim Reidy for presenting and to Jim Goss who attended representing ESGR. Their programs for the full year have been set. Their next event is Icky Sticky People on November 14th. HRCI credits have been approved. Claire thanked the other chapters. Everyone has been very helpful with all of her questions.

    Website – Amy

    Amy went over the recent updates to the website and the various pages. She is going to work with each Chapter to gather information to add the CLA Directors from each chapter. Everyone thought that was a great idea. Chapter Presidents – please send a list of your Board Members including their names, positions, and email addresses to Amy. We discussed various items under Partnerships/Sponsorships and who that would include. In addition to ESGR and DWC, discussions focused on sponsorships and advertising for non-profits. Amy proposed possibilities of advertising on the website. Ideas included having Gold ($1,000 for 1 year of website advertising, visibility at 2 events, and recognition in emails), Silver ($500 for 6 months of website advertising, visibility at 1 event, and recognition in emails), and Bronze ($250 for 3 months of website advertising and recognition in emails). After discussion, we decided to limit it to just website advertising. MAHRA has done some website advertising and Mike is going to work with Amy on what they have done. We discussed promoting non-profit organizations and agreed we need to have guidelines around this. We felt that charities statewide would be best. We also discussed the possibility of adopting charities for a month where they can post their information and also advertising events of various non-profits. We will make it clear to sponsors that they will not receive “member” information. There is still concern around the “Join Us” section.

    Legislative Action – Jim

    Jim was unavailable for the meeting and Joe was able to share information including telling us about Jim’s national blog. A-Team Captains for the following Senators/Representatives:

    Annie Kuster Team Captain - Joe Wentworth

    Carol Shea-Porter Team Captain - Richard Murphy

    Jeanne Shaheen Team Captain - Catharine Mirabile

    Kelly Ayotte Team Captain - Charla Stevens

    There have been sessions with 2 of the 4 Senators/Representatives and they are working on setting up  the final 2. They are still looking for volunteers. If you are interested, see Jim or one of the Captains.

    College Relations – Therese

    Therese will be staying on the committee after the end of the year when Deb takes over as the chair of College Relations. Therese had a meeting scheduled with St. Anselm’s but due to a scheduling error at St. Anselm, they are working to find a new date to meet. She will be meeting with the New Hampshire College and University Council. There are plans to be more active in the spring of 2014 before graduation. They are also looking to develop relationships with not only faculty but also career advisers and members of the administrations at various colleges and universities. One of their goals is to develop a list of speakers to talk with colleges and has identified some people who are interested. They intend to develop content so there is consistency in content and talking points. Claire shared that Granite State College in the north country may be interested in helping. Please see Therese if you are interested in helping out. Therese extended an invitation to SNHU and FPU for students to attend the Leadership Conference. 2 students from FPU attended the event.

    Workforce Readiness – Laurie

    Laurie is working on an initiative which is a pilot program in collaboration with New Hampshire Jobs  or America’s Graduates (NH-JAG) and the Youth Council. They will have a Workforce Readiness Workshop on October 16th from 6:00 – 9:00 pm for students in the Manchester area. The program will include resume writing, presentation skills, interviewing skills, and expectations from employers. 50 students have registered so far and the local high schools have not advertised this to their students yet. If you are interested in volunteering or sponsoring the event, please see Laurie. She is also looking for additional sponsors to help with the cost of pizza. The sponsorship fee is $75. If you are interested in participating, please see Laurie.The local chapters shave been busy. Greater Monadnock Valley is assisting with the program on October 16th. SHRA is working with Kingston High School. MAHRA is working with Pinkerton High School which is looking to do one-on-one interviews for the entire senior class.

    Diversity – John

    The Diversity Workforce Coalition (DWC) has been very active. They are in the midst of their Membership Drive and they are launching their website soon. John thanked MAHRA, Laars, and Prime Buchholz for joining as founding members. He would like time to talk about diversity and the DWC at the local chapter meetings. He is hoping to bring the Diversity Chairs together from the various chapters. The committee has a spreadsheet of businesses they want to target. Laurie suggested focusing on Federal Contractors.

    SHRM Foundation – Tim

    Tim’s raffle at the Leadership Conference raised a net of $230 which was donated to the SHRM Foundation. In addition, the State Council donated $500 to the SHRM Foundation in lieu of speaker fees for Lisa Horn’s presentation at the Leadership Conference. At the SHRM Leadership Conference, there will be a leader board. If your chapter makes a donation by October 1st, your chapter will be listed on the leader board. Tim encourages everyone to donate to the SHRM Foundation as part of our SHAPE Plan goals. Tim has been working with Mike Ressegue at SHRM regarding the reports and Susan is helping out with this. The link to donate is

    HRCI – Mike

    No updates to report from our Volunteer of the Year.

    Social Media/Marketing – Joe

    Joe is planning to do a survey to determine what types of social media the chapters are using. He will reach out to the Social Media Chairs at each chapter. He is also working with Amy on this.

    GSHRC – Laurie

    The GSHRC will be on April 29, 2014 and the theme for the conference is The Power of Talent. Laurie is looking to send save the date emails to the chapters. Chapter Presidents, please send your membership list to Laurie.

    ESGR Program – James

    Jim Goss shared that every event they go to they are always promoting membership into local chapters and he brings along the State Council brochures.